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Hunters' Contributions to U.S. Wildlife Conservation

The definitive paper compiling American hunters' contributions to wildlife conservation.

USFWS Halts Predator Control on Alaska Refuges

The predators are set up to win again as the USFWS rules that Alaska can’t...

Seeing the Light: Shares Pro-Hunting Video

In this documentary, a vegetarian-turned-meat-eater shares the two big lessons she learned along the way:...

Hunter and Hounds Track and Kill Cougar After Attack

A 4-year-old was saved from the jaws of a mountain lion—and then this tale’s unsung...

World Elephant Day Shows Trophy Hunting as Solution to Elephant Poaching

Will World Elephant Day be the day CITIES recognizes trophy hunting as the solution to...

Leveraging Lies: How the Antis Spun Cecil

A year after news broke about an African lion named Cecil, anti-hunters continue to use...

10 Reasons Hunting Makes Us Better People

As America’s first conservationists, we hunters make a difference in the future of wildlife. And...

Trophy Hunting Decreases Illegal Trade in Bushmeat

Communities across Africa have trophy hunters and local outfitters to thank for spurring a crackdown...

Why Africa Matters to American Hunters

If you think hunting issues in Africa don't impact on hunting in America, think again.

Who Really Cares About Conservation?

Hunters pay for conservation while anti-hunting extremists raise funds for emotional appeals that obfuscate facts.

Are Hunters Becoming Hip?

With today’s Paleo diet all the rage, perhaps the Paleolithic-era hunter-gatherers of 2.5 million to...

African NGO Stands with NRA to Fight Animal Rights Extremism

As American hunters fight animal rights extremism on the home front, halfway across the world...

Tanzania Recognizes U.S. Safari Company for Pumping Millions into Conservation

Chalk up another win for the U.S. home team as Texas' Friedkin Family Companies showcase...

Anti-Hunters Pushing Trophy Import Bans in NJ and Surrounding States

As animal rights groups lobby for "Cecil’s Laws" in several northeastern states, here is the...

Countdown to National Hunting Debate with Anti-Hunting Extremists May 4

Calling all hunters! Get set to tune in to live debate in New York City...

Trophy Hunting Is Good for Conservation, Says IUCN Report

The April 2016 report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature is a must...

Exploding Feral Hog Population Harming Other Wildlife Species

Though studies confirm feral hogs continue to destroy habitat to the detriment of other wildlife...

Hunters May Soon Get Grizzly Bear Tags in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that after 41 years of Endangered Species Act protection,...

Are European Bison Set for a Conservation Comeback?

The conservation group Rewilding Europe is working to restore the European bison to population levels...

South Africa Court Upholds Decision to Legalize Domestic Sales of Rhinoceros Horn in Effort to Curb Poaching

As rhinos continue to be slaughtered for their horns, can the recent controversial decision to...
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