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“The Fair Chase” Preaches Anti-Hunting Propaganda

Here’s what happens when America’s hunting history is written by a non-hunting leftist from New...

Purple Heart Recipient Heals through Hunting

Freedom Hunters helps six veterans move past the wounds of war during a hunt at...

Understanding Anti-Hunters

While anti-hunters claim moral superiority over mainstream American hunters, their platform is unsupported by the...

Heading for the Hills? Beware of Dehydration!

Whether backpacking out West this summer or hunting its rugged peaks come fall, here’s why...

Meet General George Armstrong Custer the Hunter

Who knew General Custer—killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn on this very date—was an...

Black Bear Attacks on the Rise in Colorado

Colorado says be “bear aware” as human-bear conflicts escalate.

2018 NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape Touts Outdoor Adventure

The two-day event offered gun safety and shooting sports instruction and immersed newcomers in the... Wins National POMA Writing Awards

The award-winning NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum website is the No. 1 source on issues impacting...

‘Tis the Season: Take Precautions against Lyme Disease

With the tick-borne disease most prevalent in summer, heed this refresher on how to prevent...

The Benefits of Apprentice Hunting Licenses

New hunters enjoy the “try-before-you-buy” approach!

Hope For The Warriors Veterans Enjoy Buckmasters Hunt

As Flag Day nears, it seems fitting to highlight a deer hunt honoring veterans who...

Article Suggests Hunters May Kill Endangered Species

“The Hill’s” misleading article implies that Alaska’s rule changes permit killing endangered species.

Should You Hire a Hunting Consultant?

Sweating the details? Reputable booking agents know their outfitters’ operations and hunting areas so your...

Why Women Hunt

As the author notes, “Hunters are hunters regardless of their sex. Thus it has always...

Farm Attacks and Land Grabs: The Beginning of the End for South Africa?

An escalating political crisis and economic collapse is destroying both human life and wildlife in...

Urban Coyote Attacks Increasing on Humans and Deer

Is this any wonder as coyotes expand into nearly all urban areas nationwide?

Volunteers are the Backbone of Hunter Education

Hunters who volunteer their time and knowledge to bring new hunters into the fold are...

The Next Generation Needs Sportsmen

Get your kids excited about the great outdoors by getting them in on the action.

How to Diffuse Anti-Hunters

When talking with those who do not understand legal, regulated hunting, remain calm and think...

NPR's Fake News: Antis’ Pseudo-Science Strives to Undermine Hunting

Distorting scientific evidence to try and end all hunting is tops in the animal rights...
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