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Arby’s Launches National Pro-Hunting Ad Campaign

Arby’s new pro-hunting ad campaign includes hunting-themed commercials and a brand new version of its...

If Anti-Hunters Had Compassion, They'd Be Hunters!

Anti-hunters call themselves compassionate despite a blatant disregard for the destructive real-life consequences of their...

Federal Court Reverses USFWS Zimbabwe Elephant Import Ban

SCI, NRA and American hunters won the day on Sept. 30 when a federal court...

Proof that HSUS is Stark Raving Mad

Headlined by Princeton radical Peter Singer, the recent HSUS' "Future of Food" event in Washington,...

Conservation vs. Preservation: What's the Difference?

Though the two terms appear closely linked, conservation ensures the proper use of nature while...

The Hunter's Grasp on the Natural World

Hunters possess naturalistic tendencies that many non-hunters do not understand about us—especially those who do...

Predator Control is Game Management

When it comes to the importance of predator control, here's why it is a key...

Saturday Marks 44th Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day

Proclaimed "National Hunting and Fishing Day," Sept. 24 lauds sportsmen for the billions of dollars...

The Sagebrush Connection

For us hunters, even the mere smell of sagebrush can transport us back to a...

Scientists Finally Admit Cecil Wasn't Lured from Park

More than a year since the lion was hunted, scientists finally disclose that it was...

Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

Highlighting hunting as a necessary form of wildlife management, Pennsylvania amends its deer-control application process...

Bonding in the High Country

A father-son wilderness hunt offers up life lessons that go far beyond learning how to...

Dangerous Game Defined: NRA Hunter Drops Charging Elephant

Ever been charged by an elephant? Imagine NRA member Susan Hayes' adrenaline rush as she...

USFWS Halts Predator Control on Alaska Refuges

The predators are set up to win again as the USFWS rules that Alaska can’t...

Why Do You Hunt?

Being a prepared hunter starts by knowing how to answer the question.

Love Animals? Then Don't Donate to HSUS!

Don't be duped. Here are yet more reasons to go around the HSUS by supporting...

World Elephant Day Shows Trophy Hunting as Solution to Elephant Poaching

Will World Elephant Day be the day CITIES recognizes trophy hunting as the solution to...

Millennials Don't Want More Gun Control, Poll Says

A Hillary Clinton presidency is no easy sale for millennials as she remains out of...

Trophy Hunting Decreases Illegal Trade in Bushmeat

Communities across Africa have trophy hunters and local outfitters to thank for spurring a crackdown...

5 Reasons to Lift Bans on Sunday Hunting

States that have recently repealed Sunday hunting prohibitions have had no adverse impact on game...
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