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Respect and Responsibility Are Hunters’ Trademark

Public approval of hunting requires strict adherence to hunter respect and responsibility.

PETA Busted for Fake Animal Abuse Video

NRA and mainstream American hunters watch PETA hit a new low—even for PETA—with the extremist...

R3 Efforts Expanding

Challenges to the future of hunting are many, but so are the efforts to support...

“Delisting” of Grizzlies is Not a Dirty Word

Despite having science on our side, extremist groups remain set to challenge the USFWS decision...

Locavore Movement Attracting Healthy New Hunters

When it comes to eating locally grown and produced food, what could be healthier than...

Rare Photo Captures Lioness Nursing a Leopard Cub

Check out this image marking a true once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

National Council Advancing Hunting and Shooting Sports

Powered by hunter-conservationists, the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports welcomes your input.

Will the Next Generation Lose All Touch with Reality?

As this Yale study shows, youths’ outdoor interaction instills their commitment to nature—when it can...

Why Hunting is the Backbone of African Wildlife Conservation

Contrary to the rhetoric of anti-hunting extremists, hunting operations conserve habitat and aid counter-poaching efforts.

Zinke’s New Book Reveals His Wildlife-Management Credo

Published while still a U.S. congressman, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s new book is...

Why I Served As a Conservation Officer

Author of the new book, “Wildlife 911: On Patrol,” this officer explains how his love...

Florida Paying Hunters to Cut Python Populations

Florida’s Burmese Python Challenges aim to attract hunters in efforts to control the invasive species.

Hunters Have 48 Hours to Stop Germany EU Proposal

If passed, EU nations could ban imports of Annex B species by halting permits. Contributor Wins First Place POWA Award

Tim Flanigan wins the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association’s top award for “The Role of the...

Anti-Bear-Hunting Billboard Targets Yellowstone Park

The antis’ latest spin aims to cover up the truth about rising bear numbers.

How Hunters Must Handle Crisis Management

Fighting back against anti-hunters starts with knowing how to prepare—and respond.

Anti-Hunters Seek To “Educate” Our Children About Hunting and Firearms

Animal rights extremists have numerous initiatives in place to recruit impressionable children and demonize hunting.

South Carolina to Expand Bear Hunt

In step with NRA-ILA, Myrtle Beach says it needs hunters to help control its black...

The Three "Rs" of Hunting's Future

Research shows that integrating the three "Rs"—Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation—is the key to increasing the...

Antis Spew Hatred and Glee over News of Hunter’s Death

Anti-hunters’ vitriol over the loss of an African PH’s life is as astounding as it...
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