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NRA President Oliver North Opens 2019 SCI Hunters’ Convention

North celebrates “the pursuit” and American freedom as he addresses hunters on opening night.

When an Antelope Hunt Goes Three for Three Before Three

The hunting heritage thrives as three generations tag out on Colorado antelope.

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Year in Review

As we wrap up 2018, here are some of the stories that shaped our year.

Tennessee to Benefit from Georgia’s Hunter Expansion Programs

The Volunteer State has hired the orchestrator of Georgia’s successful efforts to grow hunting ranks.

Congress Passes a Farm Bill Packed with Conservation

This five-year bill includes multiple provisions for America’s wildlife.

NRA and SAF Sue to Protect Washington State Hunters and Gun Owners

Washington Ballot Initiative I-1639 attacks hunters’ Second Amendment rights.

Facebook Pulls Democrats’ Shady Ads Suppressing Hunters’ Votes

Following backlash from the NRA and hunters, Facebook yanked North Dakota democrats’ fraudulent ads.

North Dakota Democrats Try To Suppress Hunters’ Votes

The outrageous move backfires on those seeking to shut down hunting.

The Brutal Facts of Living amongst Grizzly Bears

Take it from someone who knows: Complete preservation is far from the answer.

Seminar Preps Lawyers to Counter Anti-Hunting Extremists in Court

The SCI course will help lawyers apply the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation to...

Apply for NRA’s $5,000 Women’s Conservation Scholarship by Nov. 1

Majoring in wildlife conservation? Here’s how to apply for the NRA Women’s Wildlife Management/Conservation Scholarship.

New Jersey Hunters Mobilize Over Governor’s Bear Hunting Ban

Disregarding public safety amid burgeoning black bear populations, the governor bans all hunts on state...

Federal Judge Ignores USFWS, Returns Grizzlies to ESA Protections

Rather than tout the bears’ conservation success story, a judge rules to close the hunting...

Federal Judge Puts Grizzly Bear Hunts on Hold

A judge postpones the NRA- and SCI-backed hunts near Yellowstone a day before the season...

Minnesota’s Game Fair 2018 Sets Stage for Hunting Season

The two-weekend event marks one of America’s oldest hunting festivals.

Washington Post Gets It Right on Wyoming Grizzly Bear Hunt

The facts don’t lie as again we see the hunter’s crucial role in conservation.

Alabama’s Adult Mentored Hunting Program Shines

New and less experienced hunters are enjoying the opportunity to get in the game alongside...

2018 NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape Touts Outdoor Adventure

The two-day event offered gun safety and shooting sports instruction and immersed newcomers in the... Wins National POMA Writing Awards

The award-winning NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum website is the No. 1 source on issues impacting...

NPR's Fake News: Antis’ Pseudo-Science Strives to Undermine Hunting

Distorting scientific evidence to try and end all hunting is tops in the animal rights...
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