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The Morning After: The Future of Hunting in Zimbabwe

With 93-year-old Mugabe finally out of power, will Zimbabwe’s new leader return it to the...

One Hunter to Another: An Officer’s View of Trespassing

Take it from this conservation officer: Countless problems could be avoided if people simply didn't...

Hunters’ Dollars Sustain Africa’s Anti-Poaching Efforts

Africa’s wildlife treasures continue to be protected by hunter funding of anti-poaching rangers.

Houston Wardens Bust Illegal Internet Wildlife Traders

In 2017, the Internet has become a profitable highway for the illegal wildlife trade.

Tanzania Avoids the Pyre, Saves Ivory for Science

Studying illegally-seized ivory rather than destroying it can contribute to the development of Africa’s future...

PHASA Supports International Trade in Rhino Horn

PHASA states in a recent press release that it’s time to reconsider legalizing the international...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

Father/Daughter Duo Assists in Nabbing Poacher

In this excerpt from his new book “Wildlife Officer 911: On Patrol,” this former conservation...

Why Hunting is the Backbone of African Wildlife Conservation

Contrary to the rhetoric of anti-hunting extremists, hunting operations conserve habitat and aid counter-poaching efforts.

Time Magazine Errs, Hunting Helps Wildlife!

Time conveniently confuses poaching with hunting and ignores the fact that without hunting there is...

Hunters’ Role in National Wildlife Refuges

Don’t let anti-hunters or the misinformed hijack the fact that hunting is conservation. America’s wildlife...

Antis Push USFWS to List Giraffes as Endangered

Five anti-hunting extremist groups have petitioned the USFWS to list giraffes as endangered and shut...

Iconic Giant Tusker Poached in Kenya

Poachers caught after killing noted elephant with a poison arrow in an attempt to steal...

Poachers Kill Rhino in Paris Zoo

The crime marks Europe’s first-ever poaching incident in a zoo.

SCI Show’s Anti-Poaching Seminar Draws Worldwide Crowd

Here’s what two hunter-based groups are doing to crack down on the crime of poaching.

Cheetah Numbers Crashing Despite ESA Protections

Will Trump administration policies incorporate the value that Africa’s hunting economy provides to species at...

African Lions Benefit from Hunting

An African PH explains why sustainable lion hunting is the key to the species' future.

Private Armies Enlist in South Africa’s Rhino Poaching War

Does the rhino’s ultimate survival require privately-trained protection?

"Hunting Is Conservation" Wins Out at Recent CITES CoP17 Conference

Common sense prevails at the 2016 CITES Conference as the global meeting spotlights hunting’s value...

If Anti-Hunters Had Compassion, They'd Be Hunters!

Anti-hunters call themselves compassionate despite a blatant disregard for the destructive real-life consequences of their...
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