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Botswana Lifts Hunting Ban

Elephants’ economic value to rural populations is now recognized in the African nation.

Spec Ops Lessons for Anti-Poaching and Community Conservation

A Marine’s training in evaluating insurgencies provides insight into global anti-poaching operations.

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

NRA Anti-Poaching Seminar Sparks Lively Debate over Hunting PR

All-stars in the global war on poaching suggest hunters tell the full story of hunting.

New York Hunters Have Safest Year on Record

Thanks to hunter education, hunting remains one of America’s safest sports.

The Official Process Begins to Delist the Gray Wolf

The Department of the Interior recognizes the species’ recovery and moves to lift ESA protections.

LaPierre and Guilfoyle Join NRA Women to Rally Troops at DSC Show

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and TV personality and attorney Kimberly Guilfoyle get standing ovations in Dallas.

The Single Resolution Each Hunter Must Make for 2019

Resolve to go on the offensive against the anti-hunting, anti-freedom barrage.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

The Brutal Facts of Living amongst Grizzly Bears

Take it from someone who knows: Complete preservation is far from the answer.

New Jersey Hunters Sue Governor Over Bear Hunting Ban

Gov. Murphy’s reckless move criminalizes science-based hunting as state bear populations escalate.

Secretary Zinke Upholds States’ Wildlife Management Authority

His new policy settles the issue between state and federal agencies despite which entity owns...

Wyoming Grizzly Kills Hunting Guide

Another Lower-48 grizzly attack ended in death, while the first hunt in decades stalls in...

Why We Hunt Big Predators

Author Ron Spomer takes on the question the collective hunting community is so often asked...

Hunter-Conservationists Transplant 24 Lions to Mozambique

The move from South Africa to Mozambique recovers a healthy lion population and adds 2.5...

Sharing the Story of Hunters and Hunting

The surest way to help non-hunters understand why we hunt is simply to talk with...

British Columbia’s Perverse Hat Trick

No science, no deliberation and now no grizzly hunting!

What Would Thomas Jefferson Do?

The author explains that while changes need to be made, Second Amendment rights are non-negotiable.

Watch: NRA-ILA Front Man Chris Cox Video Is Hunters' Call to Action

Click here to see NRA Chris Cox's must-see keynote address at last week's SCI show...

Breaking News: Secretary Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Game Migration Corridors

SO 3362 is big news at the 2018 Utah hunt expo as Zinke directs more...
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