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Should You Hire a Hunting Consultant?

Sweating the details? Reputable booking agents know their outfitters’ operations and hunting areas so your...

Kudos to Virginia’s Hunters for the Hungry Program

Here’s how state HFH programs make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

Falconry Brings the Hunting Heritage to Mainstream Films

Award-winning documentaries on falconry show that whether hunting with a gun, bow or bird, hunting...

147th Annual NRA Show in Dallas Is a Family Affair, May 4-6

From Ammo Inc. to Z-Clear, the family-friendly NRA convention showcases the latest firearms, ammo, optics...

Former Skeptic Says Hunting Is Crucial to Conservation

A trip to Africa opened the author’s eyes as she explains why hunters are essential...

“How Wolves Change Rivers” Video is a Myth

The 4-minute, 33-second anti-wolf-hunting video is packed with glaring errors and deliberate tricks.

Hogs Running Rampant? Read Wild Hog 101

Helping to address America’s overpopulation of wild pigs also translates to offseason shooting practice, fun...

Global Rescue’s Top 10 Tips When Stranded at Airports

Whether due to winter weather or airline mishaps, here’s how to stay safe and more...

Seeking World Approval Will Exterminate All Hunting

Because the facts do not advance themselves, we hunters must go on offense and claim...

Botswana Hunting Ban Hurts African Wildlife and Economy

Botswana’s hunting ban has had perilous effects on both wildlife and local communities.

Veterans Day is Every Day at Freedom Hunters!

As we prepare to honor Veterans Day, learn how Freedom Hunters supports America’s military through...

A Hunter Remembers 9/11

On the 16-year anniversary of 9/11, we continue to be vigilant—and we will never forget.

South African Economy Spells Peril for Wildlife

For South Africa’s wildlife, storm clouds are on the horizon.

Digital Security Advice for Traveling Hunters

With fall hunting seasons just around the corner, Global Rescue suggests checking out these tips...

Will the Next Generation Lose All Touch with Reality?

As this Yale study shows, youths’ outdoor interaction instills their commitment to nature—when it can...

Hunters Tout Shared Values at NRA Cigar Event

Fun, fellowship, food and fine cigars set the tone for this NRA hunting crowd.

TSA Rules Recap: Air Travel with Firearms

Going on a hunting trip over the upcoming Memorial Day weekend? Do your part to...

Hunters' Top Travel Tips from a Green Beret

With 12,000-plus medical and evacuation missions worldwide under its belt, if anyone knows how to...

The Dirty Dozen Threats to Hunting: 21st Century Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation

The latest report from Responsive Management on the 12 leading threats to hunting in the...

Meth Labs in My Hunting Area?

As you head out on your next hunt, be aware that law enforcement officials advice...
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