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Congress Passes a Farm Bill Packed with Conservation

This five-year bill includes multiple provisions for America’s wildlife.

The Michigan Message: No Hunting, No Conservation Funding

Securing hunting’s future means doing the hard work now.

U.S. House Passes Bill to Delist Recovered Wolves

NRA-ILA led the charge to cease the incessant litigation shadowing a conservation success story.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

Interior Dept. Grants $495K to Utah and Arizona for Big Game Migration Research

Research funding through S.O. 3362 covers the cost to collar and study 180 mule deer.

Black Bear Attacks Hunter in Wisconsin

Hounds save a houndsman’s life after an aggressive bear charge.

Secretary Zinke Upholds States’ Wildlife Management Authority

His new policy settles the issue between state and federal agencies despite which entity owns...

NRA Helps to Stop BLM from Closing Monument to Target Shooting

The BLM almost shut down recreational shooting on a half million acres in Arizona.

Public Roads Lead to Public Hunting Opportunities

Hunter-backed groups like NRA work to ensure you have access to America’s millions of acres...

How Do You Spell Conservationist? H-U-N-T-E-R!

Every conversation with a non-hunter is an opportunity to explain why hunting is conservation.

Expanding Your Public Land Hunting Opportunities

Leave no stone unturned by targeting these additional options for public-land hunts.

Lion Kills One Man, Injures Another in Washington State

On Saturday, a mountain lion killed one mountain biker and mauled another near Seattle.

Facts Show Hunting Bans Hurt African Wildlife

Research proves hunting bans are detrimental to African wildlife and local communities.

Florida Launches Web Page for New Hunters

Following its August 2017 launch of free NRA Online Hunter Education, Florida now offers a...

Feral Hogs in the ’Burbs: Could Hunters Help?

As wild hogs overrun residential areas in Texas and the Southeast, hunters are the common...

Game Meat Is Natural Choice for Hunting’s New Generation

Wisconsin’s Learn to Hunt for Food program is a hit as new hunters embrace a...

Study Shows Wolves Directly Impact Minnesota Moose Numbers

State DNR scientists say moose-population fluctuations are related to these predators.

R3 in Action via the Georgia Hunt and Learn Program

This Georgia DNR program is an example of what the collective hunting community is doing...

Breaking News: Secretary Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Game Migration Corridors

SO 3362 is big news at the 2018 Utah hunt expo as Zinke directs more...

West Nile Virus Hits Michigan Ruffed Grouse

As biologists continue to study the virus, here’s how hunters should handle a ruffed grouse...
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