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SCI Show’s Anti-Poaching Seminar Draws Worldwide Crowd

Here’s what two hunter-based groups are doing to crack down on the crime of poaching.

Build Your Skills at Free SCI Show Hunting Seminars

If you’re attending the SCI show in Las Vegas this week, be sure to check...

The Dirty Dozen Threats to Hunting: 21st Century Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation

The latest report from Responsive Management on the 12 leading threats to hunting in the...

Hunting is Conservation at 2017 DSC Show, Jan. 5-8

For the tens of thousands of hunters converging at the DSC show in Dallas this...

Hunting's Five Formidable Foes

As anti-hunters try to end hunting across America, isn’t it time we identify the enemy...

USFWS Bans Captive-Bred Lion Trophy Imports from South Africa

The USFWS announced the end of all trophy imports of captive-bred lions from South Africa,...

"Hunting Is Conservation" Wins Out at Recent CITES CoP17 Conference

Common sense prevails at the 2016 CITES Conference as the global meeting spotlights hunting’s value...

Federal Court Reverses USFWS Zimbabwe Elephant Import Ban

SCI, NRA and American hunters won the day on Sept. 30 when a federal court...

Federal Court Overturns New Jersey Trophy Import Ban

Hunters won big on Aug. 29 when a Federal judge said New Jersey's law banning...

World Elephant Day Shows Trophy Hunting as Solution to Elephant Poaching

Will World Elephant Day be the day CITIES recognizes trophy hunting as the solution to...

Trophy Hunting Decreases Illegal Trade in Bushmeat

Communities across Africa have trophy hunters and local outfitters to thank for spurring a crackdown...

Kansas Right to Hunt Heads for November Ballot

Attention Kansas Hunters: Vote "yes" on Election Day 2016 and make Kansas the 20th state...

Australia Pushes Trophy Hunting for Crocs

In the name of wildlife management, Australia is considering crocodile trophy hunting to make its...

July Anti-Hunting Rally in D.C. Marks Call to Action for American Hunters

The "Cecil 2016" rally in Washington, D.C., on July 30 shows why what happens in...

Anti-Hunters Pushing Trophy Import Bans in NJ and Surrounding States

As animal rights groups lobby for "Cecil’s Laws" in several northeastern states, here is the...

Facts Show Hunting Is Conservation at NYC Debate

Despite being significantly outnumbered by supporters of groups like the HSUS, hunters rallied in the...

Houston Chronicle Errs in Tying Hunters to the Illegal Wildlife Trade

As the world’s No. 1 conservationists, hunters view every day as World Wildlife Day, yet...

Trophy Hunting Is Good for Conservation, Says IUCN Report

The April 2016 report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature is a must...

South African Blog Post Urges Nation’s Hunting Community to Put Its Best Foot Forward Through Social Media

A member of the South African hunting community issues a wake-up call explaining the way...

Say It Ain't So, Luke: 'Star Wars'' Mark Hamill Attacks Second Amendment With Snarky 'Right to Own a Musket' Tweet

Hollywood throwing around anti-gun and anti-hunting rhetoric is nothing new—which we highlighted earlier this month...
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