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Why Hunters Are Critical to Reducing Wildlife Crime

Integrating hunters’ input in policy decisions is America’s key to addressing international wildlife trafficking. Wins National POMA Writing Awards

The award-winning NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum website is the No. 1 source on issues impacting...

Facts Show Hunting Bans Hurt African Wildlife

Research proves hunting bans are detrimental to African wildlife and local communities.

Premier NRA Hunters’ Event Opens 2018 NRA Show in Dallas

Hunters stand united at the 4th annual NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Dinner on May 3.

Return of the Natives: Wisconsin Sets 2018 Season for Thriving Elk Herd

Following successful elk reintroduction efforts, 10 residents will participate in the state’s first elk hunt...

National R3 Symposium Aims to Bolster Hunter Numbers

The Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports will focus on Recruitment, Retention and...

How to Hook the Novice Hunter

Check out these opportunities for introducing someone new to a lifetime of hunting enjoyment.

Potterfields Win Prestigious C.J. McElroy Award at SCI Show

Who has done more for hunting and shooting sports than Larry and Brenda Potterfield?

Sheep Show Pulls Together Friends in High Places

USFWS Principal Deputy Director Greg Sheehan proves that wild sheep and American hunters have something...

Deer Herds Aided by Selective Antlerless Harvests

The selective taking of antlerless deer produces an enhanced buck-to-doe ratio and quality bucks.

Hunters Are the Solution

Whether you want to help recruit more hunters or assist with a local conservation project,...

Pros and Cons of Modern-Day Hunting TV

As anti-hunters look for any opportunity to shut down hunting, networks, producers, hosts and American...

Hunters Aid Wisconsin’s Bobcat Numbers

Thanks to the combined efforts of hunters, trappers and biologists, Wisconsin’s bobcat population has made...

Debunking the Yellowstone Grizzly Delisting Lawsuits

Despite that Yellowstone-area grizzly bears have surpassed ESA recovery goals, anti-hunting extremists are suing the...

South African Economy Spells Peril for Wildlife

For South Africa’s wildlife, storm clouds are on the horizon.

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

“Delisting” of Grizzlies is Not a Dirty Word

Despite having science on our side, extremist groups remain set to challenge the USFWS decision...

Locavore Movement Attracting Healthy New Hunters

When it comes to eating locally grown and produced food, what could be healthier than...

National Council Advancing Hunting and Shooting Sports

Powered by hunter-conservationists, the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports welcomes your input.

Why Hunting is the Backbone of African Wildlife Conservation

Contrary to the rhetoric of anti-hunting extremists, hunting operations conserve habitat and aid counter-poaching efforts.
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