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NRA President Tells Texas Why NRA is Freedom’s Safest Place

North celebrates TSRA’s centennial while sharing why freedom is at stake.

Hunting is Safer Than Golfing, Hiking...

National studies show that the injury rate for hunters is below almost every other sport.

Meet Robert O’Neill: The Man Who Took down Osama bin Laden

The SEAL Team Six member shared his ultimate hunting story at the WHCE.

Polar Bears Lose Fear of Humans as They Overtake a Russian Village

Declared a state of emergency, a Russian town is terrorized by the Arctic beasts.

Predator Hunter Delivers High-Energy Seminar at NRA GAOS

Abner Druckenmiller, former Outdoor Channel “FOXPRO Furtakers” host, keeps his fans informed and entertained.

GAOS Draws Increased Number of Entries in Taxidermy Competition

Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association competition entries will be on displayed through Feb. 6.

Live the Adventure at the NRA Great American Outdoor Show

Harrisburg, Pa., prepares to welcome 200,000 attendees to the ‘World’s Largest Outdoor Sports Show.'

NRA and Mossy Oak Unveil Official Camo Pattern of the NRA

NRA President Oliver North personally delivers NRA’s heartfelt thanks at the SHOT Show launch party.

NRA’s Oliver North Delivers Keynote Address at DSC Show

North drives home hunters’ need to fight for freedom to close out the DSC Convention.

LaPierre and Guilfoyle Join NRA Women to Rally Troops at DSC Show

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and TV personality and attorney Kimberly Guilfoyle get standing ovations in Dallas.

Philanthropist Brenda Potterfield Wins Diana Award at SCI Show

The NRA supporter vows to work even harder to defend hunting and the Second Amendment.

NRA President Oliver North Opens 2019 SCI Hunters’ Convention

North celebrates “the pursuit” and American freedom as he addresses hunters on opening night.

More Than 1,000 Things to Do at the 2019 SCI Show, Jan. 9-12

Meet NRA President Oliver North and other fellow hunters at the ‘Ultimate Sportsmen’s Market.’

Thou Shalt Not Covet Does Not Apply at SCI Show, Jan. 9-12

With 900-plus exhibitor booths, this is where American hunters come to dream.

47th Annual SCI Show Calls American Hunters to Reno, Jan. 9-12

Crowds are gathering in anticipation of experiencing the ultimate sportsmen’s marketplace.

Japan to Open Business School for Hunting Industry

Japan needs more hunters as wildlife damages crops, but restrictive gun laws are a hurdle.

Tennessee to Benefit from Georgia’s Hunter Expansion Programs

The Volunteer State has hired the orchestrator of Georgia’s successful efforts to grow hunting ranks.

Mentor New Hunters for Spring Turkey Season Now

Use holiday downtime to teach novice hunters to work a turkey call and set plans...

Does a Hunter’s Gunshot Attract Predators?

Research shows wolves, grizzlies and even alligators learn to associate gunshots with an easy meal.

Facebook Pulls Democrats’ Shady Ads Suppressing Hunters’ Votes

Following backlash from the NRA and hunters, Facebook yanked North Dakota democrats’ fraudulent ads.
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