
Your search for alaska hunt matched article(s).
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New Jersey Hunter Endures Death Threats and Harassment after Taking Record Black Bear

Anti-hunters ignore legal, regulated hunting’s vital role in wildlife management.

Passing It Down: How National Hunting and Fishing Day Strengthened My Bond with My Daughter

America’s celebration on Sept. 28 held personal meaning for all who cherish the outdoors.

Florida Sportsmen to Vote on Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment on Nov. 3

Will Florida be the 24th state to officially protect hunting and fishing?

Rhode Island Applauds Hunting's Role in Wildlife Conservation and Deer Management

Hunters are respectful, cost-effective stewards of the state’s wildlife resources.

Virginia's Second Annual Elk Hunt a Success

It’s a win for wildlife conservation as elk now flourish in the Old Dominion State.

Harvesting Memories: Thanksgiving Afield

Today we give thanks for the blessings of family, friends and our outdoor traditions.

N.J. Gov. Murphy Permanently Reinstates Bear Hunt to Cut Species’ Populations

Hunters mark a conservation win as hunting is lauded as a wildlife management tool.

Hunters Support Emergency Closure of Caribou Hunt in Alaska GMU 13

Legal, regulated hunting is scientifically managed to ensure health of the species.

NFL Pro Carson Wentz under Fire for Killing Alaska Black Bear

Legal, regulated hunting remains a key to managing burgeoning wildlife populations.

Colorado’s Expanding Predator Populations Creating Pressure on Deer

A pack of lions just crossed a Denver driveway.

Connecticut Legislature Refuses to Institute Black Bear Hunt Despite Species’ Expanding Population

In the meantime, human-bear encounters are rising with no management tool in place.

Florida Congressman Claims AR-15 Rounds Disintegrate Whitetail Deer

Sidestepping the facts bolsters misinformation and fuels controversy.

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association to Skip 2023 Governor’s Deer Opener

It says Gov. Walz’s policies are at odds with deer hunting and conservation.

U.S. Senator Warns Biden Administration Trying to Kill Hunting in Alaska

Sen. Sullivan urges Alaskans to counter the assault and protect hunting.

6 Reasons NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show is Must-See

With 1,000+ exhibitors, the world’s largest outdoor show makes your dreams come true.

Having Hunters’ Backs: The NRA HLF’s Year in Review

Here's a look back at 2022 as we continue reporting news from the hunting front.

Washington Governor to Be Sued for Appointing Anti-Hunters to Wildlife Commission

Stacking the commission through biased appointments violates state code.

What’s With New Jersey’s Abysmal 2022 Black Bear Harvest?

Anti-hunters’ last minute legal challenge closed half of the weeklong season.

NJ Governor Reinstates Bear Hunt, Cites “Data is Clear: Our Black Bear Population Is Growing”

Supporting the science, the move ends the long tug-of-war over the state’s bear hunt.

Save Your Seat! Tickets Selling Out for the NRA Hunters’ Dinner and Auction in Houston

Join us on the eve of the NRA show for NRA’s annual celebration of hunting.
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