
Your search for alliance for fish and wildlife matched article(s).
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Environmental Groups Win Small Victory on Lead Ban at West Virginia Refuge

Hunters must remain vigilant as extremists continue push to ban lead ammunition.

Colorado Predator Wars: First Wolves, Now Cats as Extremists Aim to Put Cat Hunting Ban on November Ballot

‘Ballot-box biology’ bypasses wildlife science and the legislative and regulatory process.

USFWS Rule Would Ban Use of Lead Ammo on New Wildlife Refuge Hunting Opportunities

The move ignores wildlife science and poses costly barriers to hunting participation.

NRA Fighting National Refuge Lead Ban in Federal Court

Backing hunters, the NRA aims to thwart the Biden administration’s lead ammo ban plans.

NRA’s Karen Mehall Phillips Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum remains out front in saving hunting’s future.

New Study Sheds Light on Women’s Participation in Hunting and Shooting

Understanding what women want is key to retaining their participation.

Appeal Filed in Challenge to California’s Anti-Hunting, Anti-Shooting Sports Law

NRA aims to prevent AB 2571 from destroying the state’s hunting heritage.

Washington Governor to Be Sued for Appointing Anti-Hunters to Wildlife Commission

Stacking the commission through biased appointments violates state code.

Voice of Leadership: Finding New Deer Hunters in Underrepresented Communities

Being all-inclusive will grow hunting as well as wildlife conservation funding.

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act Passes House, Aims to Provide $1.4 Billion in Annual Conservation Funding

The legislation to conserve fish and wildlife species now moves to the Senate.

Federal Subsistence Board Closes Millions of Acres in Alaska to Non-Local Caribou and Moose Hunters

The move impacts residents and nonresidents alike starting in August 2022.

Voice of Leadership: Internet and Social Media Security Tips for Hunters

Be aware of the specific threats and vulnerabilities regarding online access.

Equal Access to Injustice: Animal Rights Extremists’ Misuse of the Equal Access to Justice Act

Extremist groups hijack it to force taxpayers to cover their attorney fees.

41 Conservation Partners Urge Feds Not to Settle Extremists’ Lawsuit

Will the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service uphold hunter access to wildlife refuge lands?

NRA Files Suit to Dismiss Case Against USFWS and Keep Public Lands Open

The NRA and its partners aim to end a Center for Biological Diversity lawsuit.

Voice of Leadership: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Outdoors

The changing face of hunting is creating opportunities to build our ranks.

Hunters Prevail: Interior Department Defers Closing 40 Million Alaska Acres to Hunting This Fall

Backed by science, hunting groups mobilized to push any decision to 2022.

New Jersey To Ban Urine-Based Deer Attractants This Fall

Here’s another reason to double-check the regulations for any state you hunt.

Interior Department’s Abrupt Closure of Northern Alaska Public Lands Puts 2021 Moose and Caribou Hunts at Risk

Hunters’ comment period ends Apr. 20 with a public hearing set for Apr. 23.

The Citizen Conservation that Saved California Tule Elk

A German immigrant with a cattle empire was the first to conserve the species.
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