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Biden Administration Says No to Delisting Recovered Grizzlies During Final Days in Office

It favors a new proposed rule changing the approach to the species’ recovery.

Federal Bills Addressing Gray Wolf and Grizzly Bear Management Pass out of Committee

NRA applauds the legislators for following the science regarding recovered species.

USFWS Considers Delisting Grizzlies in Two Ecosystems in the Lower 48

Petitions from the governors of Montana and Wyoming made the case for review.

Wyoming Grizzly Bear Attack Amplifies Need for Species’ Management

More humans are harmed as the recovered species remains delisted.

The Ongoing Saga of the Grizzly Bear

Here’s what happens when a recovered predator is given federal protections.

Examining the Challenges of Life in Grizzly Bear Country

Living with grizzlies means eternal vigilance and being prepared—for anything.

Deadly Consequences: Grizzly Bear Kills Camper in Montana

The recovered species’ fatal attacks on humans are at an all-time high.

East Coast, Multi-Game “Safaris” Offer Big Bang for the Buck

If COVID-19 put your safari plans on hold, head for the East Coast.

Caught on Video: Grizzly Kills Mature Bull Elk in Yellowstone Park

When it comes to wildlife management, don’t elk lives matter, too?

USFWS Opens 1.4 Million Acres to Hunting and Fishing

This doubles the federal acreage made available to sportsmen over the past five years combined.

Animals Still Die When Hunting Is Banned

Here is why legal, regulated hunting is the key to managing game populations.

Extremists Sue Feds to End Bear Baiting in Two States

Antis contend grizzlies are being confused for black bears in Wyoming and Idaho.

Antis Cry to Close Hunting As Grizzlies Expand Range

Wildlife officials confirm grizzly bear populations span from the wilderness to the farm.

New Bill Aims to End Almost All U.S. Grizzly Bear Hunting

If passed, science-based hunts would be banned in every state except Alaska.

USFWS, NRA and SCI Appeal Closure of Grizzly Bear Hunt

Groups challenge a federal judge’s ruling to cancel hunts for recovered Yellowstone-area grizzles.

Does a Hunter’s Gunshot Attract Predators?

Research shows wolves, grizzlies and even alligators learn to associate gunshots with an easy meal.

The Brutal Facts of Living amongst Grizzly Bears

Take it from someone who knows: Complete preservation is far from the answer.

Secretary Zinke Upholds States’ Wildlife Management Authority

His new policy settles the issue between state and federal agencies despite which entity owns...

Judge Halts Grizzly Bear Hunts for Two More Weeks

Pressured by animal rights groups, a federal judge considers relisting healthy and recovered grizzly bear...

Federal Judge Puts Grizzly Bear Hunts on Hold

A judge postpones the NRA- and SCI-backed hunts near Yellowstone a day before the season...
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