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The Evolution of Hunter Recruitment: Embracing the R3 Movement

Efforts to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters can halt hunting participation’s decline.

Supporting the Next Generation: The NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge

The program fosters safety and hands-on shooting and outdoor skills experience.

A Hearty Welcome to America’s Newest Frontline Conservationists

Here’s how hunters fund wildlife conservation into the future.

More Consumers Relying on Hunting to Sidestep Rising Food Costs

Inflation is driving Americans to find ways to lower grocery bills.

NRA-Sponsored SCI Diana Award Presented to Siri Campbell-Fossel at SCI Show

She credits SCI for giving her an understanding of hunting’s role in conservation.

Hungary and Beyond: 87-Year-Old Béla Hidvégi’s Journey into Hunting and Wildlife Conservation

Here’s how one hunter continues to make a difference on conservation’s world stage.

Harvesting Memories: Thanksgiving Afield

Today we give thanks for the blessings of family, friends and our outdoor traditions.

Bowhunting Education Effort Targets Quick, Clean Harvest

A group shares its research findings to help archers match equipment to the task.

Veronica Kosich Receives NRA-Sponsored Diana Award at SCI Convention

We applaud our fellow NRA member and accomplished big-game hunter.

Voice of Leadership: Understanding the New Hunter Experience

How long could you have continued to hunt without ongoing mentoring?

Why Hemingway’s Wyoming Hunts Deserve More than a Passing Nod

The winner of the Pulitzer and Nobel prizes was also a Western big game hunter.

Little Things Mean a Lot

Your smallest gesture may be what piques someone’s interest in hunting.

Super Shocker: Promotes Negative R3 Content

Hunters rally, slamming the site to fight for conservation and legal, regulated hunting.

Anti-Hunters Seek to End Sportsmen’s Role in Wildlife Conservation Funding

Animal rights extremists only harm wildlife by targeting hunters as a conservation funding source.

45 Million Hunters and Anglers Bypassing Hollywood with the Film “The Harvest”

Can it boost hunting the way 1992’s “A River Runs Through It” boosted fly fishing?

Hunting with Type 1 Diabetes

Diagnosed at age 20, this Distinguished Rifleman Badge holder urges others to pursue their dreams.

Maine Anti-Hunters Target Hunters with Petitions to Protect Predators

Ditching concerns over public safety, anti-hunters seek to preserve coyotes and bears.

Youth Archery Camps Change Lives One Arrow at a Time

Raised at Full Draw offers opportunities to learn about archery, hunting and the outdoors.

Green Eggs and Hunt: Examining Hunting’s Role in Nature and Humanity

We’re all hunters at our core as we work to sustain the natural world.

NRA Lauds DOI’s Historic Push to Open 2.3 Million Acres to Hunting

Interior Secretary Bernhardt’s proposal to add to sportsmen's mix marks historic expansion.
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