
Your search for sharing the hunting heritage matched article(s).
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My Journey Into Hunting

The author credits hunting with instilling a sense of pride and enhancing family ties.

Harvesting Memories: Thanksgiving Afield

Today we give thanks for the blessings of family, friends and our outdoor traditions.

A Thanksgiving Thank You to the National Wild Turkey Federation for 50 Years of Conservation Success

We salute the NWTF for restoring populations of our No. 1 holiday gamebird.

Federal Funding Approved to Battle Chronic Wasting Disease

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, will aid CWD research and management.

NRA-Backed Lawsuit Challenges California Ban on Marketing Firearms for Youth Hunting and Shooting Sports Programs

A high school shooting league is just one group folding to avoid a $25K fine.

Voice of Leadership: Addressing Social Media Sensationalism

Dismantle anti-hunters’ truth-twisting by sharing the sicence behind why we hunt.

Voice of Leadership: The Evolution of Evaluating America’s Wildlife Restoration and Recruitment Efforts

Wildlife agencies succeed due to ongoing assessment of outcome-based strategies.

Voice of Leadership: Farmers Markets, Land Trusts and the Changing Face of Hunting

Food-based hunter recruitment efforts tie into the consumer demand for local food.

Voice of Leadership: Why Deer Hunters Should Be Concerned about African Trophy Import Bans

Shouldn’t wildlife science guide management decisions around the globe?

Voice of Leadership: The Importance of Hunting Industry Unity and Green Decoy Vigilance

To remove the fox from the henhouse, we must stand together and fight.

Voice of Leadership: Promoting Cultural Acceptance of Hunting

Here’s another way the NRA is working to protect hunting’s future.

Voice of Leadership: Tomorrow’s Leaders Should Be Heard Now

A 17-year-old avid shotgunner shares thoughts on capturing hunting's next generation.

Great American Outdoor Show Canceled

Pennsylvania COVID restrictions prevent NRA’s annual outdoor show from opening.

Voice of Leadership: How Wildlife Restoration is Funded in America

There is a direct link between hunters and wildlife conservation resources.

Voice of Leadership: A Reintroduction to the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

The model’s seven principles ensure wildlife remains a public trust for future generations.

Voice of Leadership Panel: Why Does R3 Matter?

Mentoring is rewarding and pays dividends toward wildlife conservation.

Hunting Industry’s Voice of Leadership Panel to Debut in September

There is no better time to ensure America’s hunting community remains galvanized and informed.

SCI Show Showcases Hunting History at Rigby Booth

Iconic gunmaker Rigby is one of 50 world-class makers exhibiting at the SCI Convention.

Virginia Hunters Raise $17,684.89 to Feed the Hungry

Virginia Hunters Who Care is just one example of hunters making the world better.

Why the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Site Is Hunters’ Top Tool

Visit to stay on top of the hunting issues and share our stories.
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