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Partners in Conservation: How This Wildlife Biologist Uses Hunters’ Dollars to Aid Wildlife

State wildlife agencies rely on hunters’ excise taxes and other fees to fund conservation.

Biden-Harris Administration Cuts Off Access to Federal Lands, Aims to Ban Shooting at Bears Ears National Monument

Its plan hinders hunters and target shooters and their conservation funding efforts.

Rhetoric Heating Up Over Proposed NRA-Backed Florida Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment

The state’s anti-hunters seek to derail the protection of legal, regulated hunting.

Hunter-Driven Pittman-Robertson Act Provides Nearly $1 Billion in Conservation Funding in 2024

Thank you, sportsmen and women, for paying to sustain our fish and wildlife species.

Washington Is Latest State to Confirm Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer

The state is No. 35 to join the CWD Club and implement a management plan.

Anti-Hunting Groups Still Hard at Work to Destroy Hunting

Here’s how extremists, including some politicians, continue their campaign.

Freedom Hunters Remembers 13 Afghanistan-Withdrawal Fallen as America Marks Anniversary of Terrorist Attack

A Marine who survived the terrorist bombing at Kabul airport shares a firsthand account.

America’s Hunting, Conservation Groups Voice Support for Outfitter Legislation

The Biden administration’s rule could put some outfitters out of business.

NRA Says New Massachusetts Law Will Negatively Impact Hunters

The NRA’s lobbying arm is set to challenge the law’s unconstitutional restrictions.

Alberta Adjusts Grizzly Bear Management Plan to Allow Hunters to Take Problem Bears

It says the move is not a “hunt” as only specific bears will be targeted.

Heroes, Hunting and Healing: The Trinity Oaks Experience

Hunt participant Rachel DeHoyos says the faith-based organization changed her life.

Why Your Kids Don’t Hunt

Barriers to getting kids into hunting ultimately threaten how we pay for conservation.

My Journey Into Hunting

The author credits hunting with instilling a sense of pride and enhancing family ties.

Bringing the Laughs: U.S. Army Veteran and Hunter Finds Joy through Comedy

For this comedian, life is all about the people, the places and family time afield.

One of Us: NRA Member, Hunter and NRA Publications Executive Director Doug Hamlin Named NRA EVP and CEO

Hamlin will build an even stronger NRA as we hunters fight to protect our freedom.

NRA Show’s Women's Leadership Forum Gala Draws Sold-Out Crowd as Hunters and Shooters Stand with NRA to Secure American Freedom

Keynote speaker Fox News’ Pete Hegseth stands with us as a voice in protecting freedom.

Tens of Thousands of Mainstream Americans Converge at NRA Show in Dallas

Former U.S. President Donald Trump will address the NRA crowd on Saturday, May 18.

Building Our Base: 4th National R3 Symposium Set for May 29-June 1 in Alabama

Growing the number of hunters and shooters means more money for wildlife.

How Hillsdale College’s Nimrod Education Center and Wildlife Law Courses Are Preparing the Next Generation

Teaching hunting’s conservation role impacts future legislative and wildlife court decisions.

Trust the Science: U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Removing wolves’ federal protections would return their management to the states.
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