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Locavore Movement Attracting Healthy New Hunters

When it comes to eating locally grown and produced food, what could be healthier than...

Why I Served As a Conservation Officer

Author of the new book, “Wildlife 911: On Patrol,” this officer explains how his love...

Anti-Hunters Seek To “Educate” Our Children About Hunting and Firearms

Animal rights extremists have numerous initiatives in place to recruit impressionable children and demonize hunting.

6 Tips for Introducing Kids to Hunting

Check out these ideas from John Annoni, founder of Camp Compass Academy.

Florida Youth Hunter Programs Instill Conservation Stewardship

The Sunshine State "shines" light on how establishing young hunters' bonds with nature is the...

TSA Rules Recap: Air Travel with Firearms

Going on a hunting trip over the upcoming Memorial Day weekend? Do your part to...

Hunters' Top Travel Tips from a Green Beret

With 12,000-plus medical and evacuation missions worldwide under its belt, if anyone knows how to...

Celebrating Celebrity Paragons of Hunting

Whether it’s your everyday joe or a famous entertainer, we hunters are mainstream America.

Take an Adult Squirrel Hunting

Offering ample teachable moments, hunting those agile, tree-dwelling "bushytails” just may be the best way...

California Antis Tout “Coexisting” with Urban Coyotes over Public Safety

Once again, animal rights extremists in the Golden State are interfering with science-based wildlife management,...

Arizona Bill to Ban Cougar and Bobcat Hunting

A new threat to Arizona’s hunting and conservation heritage looms as an HSUS-backed bill is...

Meth Labs in My Hunting Area?

As you head out on your next hunt, be aware that law enforcement officials advice...

Explaining the Other Side of Hunting

Know any non-hunters? Then make them understand it is our very bond with nature that...

California Extremists Use “Rewilding” to Shut Down Hunting

The latest tactic of anti-hunters in the Golden State is to disguise their extremist agenda...

ATF Delays Rule Change Impacting Ammo Industry

Thanks to organizations like the NRA, a delay in the ATF's decision to reclassify the...

Is Hawaii Laying Groundwork for Gun Confiscation?

Gun owners and hunters can forget Hawaii’s “Aloha spirit” as the Aloha State ditches peace...

10 Reasons Hunting Makes Us Better People

As America’s first conservationists, we hunters make a difference in the future of wildlife. And...

Benefits of Suppressors

NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) champions the use of suppressors because of the clear...

Hunters May Soon Get Grizzly Bear Tags in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that after 41 years of Endangered Species Act protection,...

Say It Ain't So, Luke: 'Star Wars'' Mark Hamill Attacks Second Amendment With Snarky 'Right to Own a Musket' Tweet

Hollywood throwing around anti-gun and anti-hunting rhetoric is nothing new—which we highlighted earlier this month...
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