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Taking Advantage of Private Land Access Programs

Did you know many states are adopting programs that grant hunters and anglers more access...

Anti-Hunters Admit They Even Want to Ban Muzzleloaders

Anti-gunners are showing their hand as they work to ban muzzleloaders.

Promoting the Mentoring Stage of Hunting

Mentoring a new hunter is personally rewarding, but it’s also the key to building our...

USFWS Rule Expands Hunting on 10 Wildlife Refuges

The USFWS announced Secretary Zinke’s move to expand opportunities on select national wildlife refuges is...

Anti-Hunters Are Attacking Farmers, Too

As extremist groups work to end hunting, they are attacking the agricultural community too in...

Boone and Crockett Club Says HSUS Confused over Fair Chase

A recent HSUS blog post misrepresents the Club’s position on fair chase when contests place...

Study Touts Positive Attitudes toward Wildlife Officers

As if we hunters had any doubt, Responsive Management’s latest research affirms the American public’s...

Hunters Aid Wisconsin’s Bobcat Numbers

Thanks to the combined efforts of hunters, trappers and biologists, Wisconsin’s bobcat population has made...

Zinke’s $21 Million in DOI Grants Aid Wetlands Conservation

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke approved $21.9 million in grants for wetland conservation projects...

Zinke’s Employee “Shotgun Showdown” Promotes Hunting

Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke’s “Shotgun Showdown” entails playing the “Big Buck...

NRA, Sportsmen Honor National Hunting and Fishing Day

Follow the lead of NRA’s Richard Childress this Saturday and celebrate NHFD by introducing someone...

Zinke Signs Pivotal Order for Sportsmen and Conservation

Secretary Zinke’s latest move expands access to public and private lands and advances America’s outdoor...

A Hunter Remembers 9/11

On the 16-year anniversary of 9/11, we continue to be vigilant—and we will never forget.

NRA Praises Secretary Zinke in Fox News Article

Making headlines with his recent Fox News article, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox discusses how...

NRA Applauds Secretary Zinke’s Move to Expand Hunting Lands

The public has until Sept. 8 to submit comments on U.S. Secretary of the Interior...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

Court Ruling Impacts Issue of Wolves and States' Rights

As NRA-ILA notes, this week’s U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling sets positive precedent for...

National Council Advancing Hunting and Shooting Sports

Powered by hunter-conservationists, the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports welcomes your input.

New Study Points to Benefits of Suppressors

A recent study underscores the importance of the pending Hearing Protection Act of 2017 to...

Why I Served As a Conservation Officer

Author of the new book, “Wildlife 911: On Patrol,” this officer explains how his love...
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