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Hunting's Five Formidable Foes

As anti-hunters try to end hunting across America, isn’t it time we identify the enemy...

American Hunter Targets Mozambique's Man-Eating Crocs

In Mozambique where crocs kill multiple humans each week, one Alabama hunter makes crocodile management...

Hunting Shapes Lives in Positive Ways

This hunter’s quest for a particular B&C buck spanned multiple hunting seasons that created a...

Explaining the Other Side of Hunting

Know any non-hunters? Then make them understand it is our very bond with nature that...

California Extremists Use “Rewilding” to Shut Down Hunting

The latest tactic of anti-hunters in the Golden State is to disguise their extremist agenda...

NRA TV Now Features Award-Winning “Under Wild Skies” Hunting Show

NRA members and hunters have 24/7 access to more hunting programming than ever as the...

Set in Stone: Right to Hunt Passes in Kansas and Indiana

With anti-hunters stepping up their attacks, sportsmen in Kansas and Indiana made a pre-emptive strike...

A Soldier’s Thoughts on Veterans Day

On Veterans Day, a Vietnam-era vet honors those who gave all for freedom.

Feds Paying Sharpshooters to Cull Deer at Maryland Battlefields

Passing on the hunting tradition includes teaching about threats to hunting’s future as feds opt...

Federal Court Reverses USFWS Zimbabwe Elephant Import Ban

SCI, NRA and American hunters won the day on Sept. 30 when a federal court...

Ignorance Is Not Bliss Regarding Hunting and Conservation

Some say ignorance is bliss, but it’s a major threat to hunting and wildlife conservation.

Saturday Marks 44th Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day

Proclaimed "National Hunting and Fishing Day," Sept. 24 lauds sportsmen for the billions of dollars...

ATF Delays Rule Change Impacting Ammo Industry

Thanks to organizations like the NRA, a delay in the ATF's decision to reclassify the...

Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

Highlighting hunting as a necessary form of wildlife management, Pennsylvania amends its deer-control application process...

Hunters' Contributions to U.S. Wildlife Conservation

The definitive paper compiling American hunters' contributions to wildlife conservation.

DSC and American Hunters Funding Africa's Anti-Poaching Units

The fact that the hunter-based Dallas Safari Club is providing grant monies in support of...

Federal Court Overturns New Jersey Trophy Import Ban

Hunters won big on Aug. 29 when a Federal judge said New Jersey's law banning...

Dangerous Game Defined: NRA Hunter Drops Charging Elephant

Ever been charged by an elephant? Imagine NRA member Susan Hayes' adrenaline rush as she...

USFWS Halts Predator Control on Alaska Refuges

The predators are set up to win again as the USFWS rules that Alaska can’t...

Seeing the Light: Shares Pro-Hunting Video

In this documentary, a vegetarian-turned-meat-eater shares the two big lessons she learned along the way:...
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