
Your search for wisconsin matched article(s).
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Snapshot Wisconsin: Using Citizen Science to Aid Wildlife

Residents help biologists gather information on wildlife species through a trail-camera program.

The Michigan Message: No Hunting, No Conservation Funding

Securing hunting’s future means doing the hard work now.

Wisconsin Collegians Band Woodcock to Study Biology

Conservation efforts for these wading birds are timed to coincide with springtime's Sky Dance.

U.S. House Passes Bill to Delist Recovered Wolves

NRA-ILA led the charge to cease the incessant litigation shadowing a conservation success story.

Black Bear Attacks Hunter in Wisconsin

Hounds save a houndsman’s life after an aggressive bear charge.

What Happened to Middle School Rifle Club?

Remember the good old days when kids were encouraged to enjoy mainstream hunting and shooting...

Return of the Natives: Wisconsin Sets 2018 Season for Thriving Elk Herd

Following successful elk reintroduction efforts, 10 residents will participate in the state’s first elk hunt...

Landmark CWD Deer Study Breaks New Ground in Wisconsin

As the Wisconsin DNR reviews data from year one of the five-year study, here’s how...

Game Meat Is Natural Choice for Hunting’s New Generation

Wisconsin’s Learn to Hunt for Food program is a hit as new hunters embrace a...

Wisconsin Bill Targets 60,000 Acres of Public Land

SB 775 is Wisconsin State Senator Risser’s latest in a string of state-level anti-hunting bills.

West Nile Virus Hits Michigan Ruffed Grouse

As biologists continue to study the virus, here’s how hunters should handle a ruffed grouse...

Exhibit Honors Early 20th Century Outdoor Writer MacQuarrie

A Wisconsin exhibit honors America’s first full-time outdoor writer Gordon MacQuarrie, whose famous stories continue...

Wisconsin Welcomes All Ages into Mentored Hunter Program

NRA applauds Governor Walker for signing a bill eliminating the age requirement young residents must...

One Hunter to Another: An Officer’s View of Trespassing

Take it from this conservation officer: Countless problems could be avoided if people simply didn't...

USFWS Rule Expands Hunting on 10 Wildlife Refuges

The USFWS announced Secretary Zinke’s move to expand opportunities on select national wildlife refuges is...

Hunters Aid Wisconsin’s Bobcat Numbers

Thanks to the combined efforts of hunters, trappers and biologists, Wisconsin’s bobcat population has made...

Wisconsin Elk Population Continues to Expand

Thanks to recent trapping and relocation efforts, Wisconsin’s northern elk population has grown by 20...

NRA Applauds Secretary Zinke’s Move to Expand Hunting Lands

The public has until Sept. 8 to submit comments on U.S. Secretary of the Interior...

Court Ruling Impacts Issue of Wolves and States' Rights

As NRA-ILA notes, this week’s U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling sets positive precedent for...

R3 Efforts Expanding

Challenges to the future of hunting are many, but so are the efforts to support...
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