
Your search for black bear hunting matched article(s).
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New Jersey Hunters Sue Governor Over Bear Hunting Ban

Gov. Murphy’s reckless move criminalizes science-based hunting as state bear populations escalate.

New Jersey Hunters Mobilize Over Governor’s Bear Hunting Ban

Disregarding public safety amid burgeoning black bear populations, the governor bans all hunts on state...

Why We Hunt Big Predators

Author Ron Spomer takes on the question the collective hunting community is so often asked...

New Jersey Governor Bans Bear Hunting on Public Lands

As Governor Murphy panders to animal rights extremists, his latest move is the tip of...

Cougar and Grizzly Hunts Show Role of Legal, Regulated Hunting

New predator hunting opportunities underscore hunting’s effectiveness as a wildlife management tool.

Black Bear Attacks on the Rise in Colorado

Colorado says be “bear aware” as human-bear conflicts escalate.

Article Suggests Hunters May Kill Endangered Species

“The Hill’s” misleading article implies that Alaska’s rule changes permit killing endangered species.

5-Year-Old Girl Mauled by Black Bear in Colorado

Again we see the dangers to human safety when predator species are not managed through...

Never Trust a Store Clerk

Confused about a game reg? Asking a local game warden for clarification prior to your...

Store-Bought Meat: Should We Hunters Change Our Ways?

Steeped in hypocrisy, some anti-hunters plead ignorance as to where their meat and leather comes...

Hogs Running Rampant? Read Wild Hog 101

Helping to address America’s overpopulation of wild pigs also translates to offseason shooting practice, fun...

SCI Names Milligan North American Hunter of the Year

SCI member and British Columbia professional hunter Bob Milligan takes top honors at SCI Hunters’...

SCI Show Sets Stage for “Chasing the Adventure”

SCI has some surprises in store for its 46th annual hunters’ convention in Las Vegas...

Repercussions to Hit B.C. as Grizzly Season Closes

With British Columbia’s grizzly bear hunting season ending on Nov. 30, increased human-bear conflicts and...

South Carolina Increases Bear Tags Amid Overpopulation

Due to excess population numbers, coastal bear hunting permits will now be available to all...

HSUS Pushes Arizona Cougar Hunting Ban via Ballot Box

With HSUS trying to end cougar hunting statewide, hunters must spread the word and vote...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

Court Ruling Impacts Issue of Wolves and States' Rights

As NRA-ILA notes, this week’s U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling sets positive precedent for...

How Hunters Must Handle Crisis Management

Fighting back against anti-hunters starts with knowing how to prepare—and respond.

South Carolina to Expand Bear Hunt

In step with NRA-ILA, Myrtle Beach says it needs hunters to help control its black...
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