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California Anti-Hunting S.B. 1175 Set for 1 p.m. Hearing Today

Extremists’ “yea” votes will only harm African wildlife.

Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Sharing why we hunt aids the R3 movement and fosters cultural acceptance of hunting.

45 Million Hunters and Anglers Bypassing Hollywood with the Film “The Harvest”

Can it boost hunting the way 1992’s “A River Runs Through It” boosted fly fishing?

State Wildlife Agencies’ Hunt Raffles Support Wildlife and Habitat

These creative fundraising initiatives aid wildlife while creating more hunting opportunities.

Upcoming National R3 Symposium Now a Virtual Meeting Due to COVID-19

The next in-person National R3 Symposium will take place in May 2021.

DOI Signals $160 Million for Wetland Conservation and Refuge Projects

Interior Secretary Bernhardt says sportsmen’s funds will aid bird species continent-wide.

California Hunting Import Ban Advances to Senate Appropriations Committee

S.B. 1175 blatantly ignores the public health concerns its supporters claim it will address.

Free NRA Hunter Ed Classes Raise $150,000 for State Wildlife Agencies

Taking advantage of dollars and “sense” pays off for state agencies.

Don’t Confuse the Meaning of Hunting

Misuse of the word hunting in place of poaching or market slaughter taints legal hunting.

Delta Waterfowl Initiative Fosters Hunting’s Future

In step with groups like the NRA, Delta Waterfowl’s HunteR3 initiative is producing results.

How Will America Continue to Pay for Wildlife Conservation?

The conservation of our wildlife resources is a job for hunters and non-hunters alike.

Mentor Sparks a Lifetime of Hunting Passion

Thanks to a hunting mentor, the author now refers to spring fever as turkey season.

What Hunters Can Do During Coronavirus Quarantine

Here’s a to-do list for hunters who find they have extra time on their hands.

How to Access Hunting Opportunities on U.S. Military Bases

Much of the land owned by our armed forces is available for public hunting.

Poachers Assassinate Rhino Poaching Investigator in South Africa

Terrorists killed Lt. Col. Brewer to end his exposure of poaching syndicates and corruption.

Why NSSF Created the Partner with a Payer Initiative

This program builds relationships between wildlife agencies and the firearms industry.

NSSF Video Shows Sportsmen Contributed $13B to Wildlife Conservation

Watch the video for proof that hunters remain the No. 1 funders of wildlife conservation.

Shooting Clubs Benefit from NRA Club Connection Magazine

NRA-affiliated clubs and associations can apply for NRA grants and get range advice.

An Elk Hunt in Missouri?

The pieces are in place, thanks to a conservation-minded state and a conservation organization.

Legislation in Virginia Could Derail Hunting and Conservation

The NRA and like-minded sportsmen's groups are fighting to stop Virginia's anti-hunting bills.
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