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Interior Secretary Seeks to Expand Hunting Opportunities

The NRA-backed proposal would open 1.4 million acres of public lands to hunting.

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

The Joys of Deer Hunting with Family and Friends

The camaraderie of hunting camp is yet one more reason we hunt.

Supreme Court Protects Alaska Hunter’s Access to Hunting Lands

An Alaska hunter stands up to the federal bureaucracy and wins a 12-year battle.

Snapshot Wisconsin: Using Citizen Science to Aid Wildlife

Residents help biologists gather information on wildlife species through a trail-camera program.

President Signs Lands Bill That Protects Hunting Access

Bill’s passage enhances access to hunting and recreational shooting on federal lands.

U.S. Secretary of Interior Zinke to Step Down Dec. 31

The Former Navy SEAL leaves behind a long list of wildlife conservation accomplishments.

Congress Passes a Farm Bill Packed with Conservation

This five-year bill includes multiple provisions for America’s wildlife.

NRA HLF Co-Chair Trig French Guests on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World

Radio host Rob Keck talks with two hunting leaders about their federal advisory roles.

Kenya Runs Out of Space for Wildlife Habitat

In the aftermath of Kenya’s disastrous 1977 hunting ban, will sustainable-use hunting be reinstated in...

New Jersey Governor Bans Bear Hunting on Public Lands

As Governor Murphy panders to animal rights extremists, his latest move is the tip of...

Public Roads Lead to Public Hunting Opportunities

Hunter-backed groups like NRA work to ensure you have access to America’s millions of acres...

How Do You Spell Conservationist? H-U-N-T-E-R!

Every conversation with a non-hunter is an opportunity to explain why hunting is conservation.

How to Use the Mainstream Media to Save Hunting

The author says leave no media stone unturned in communicating with the American public about...

The Hunters’ Guide to Securing a Hunting Lease

Check out these tips on finding and securing a hunting lease.

Expanding Your Public Land Hunting Opportunities

Leave no stone unturned by targeting these additional options for public-land hunts.

Zinke Names NRA Leaders to Hunting and Conservation Council

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke welcomes NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox and NRA Hunters Leadership Forum Co-Chair Trig...

Wisconsin Bill Targets 60,000 Acres of Public Land

SB 775 is Wisconsin State Senator Risser’s latest in a string of state-level anti-hunting bills.

Zinke’s First Year Marks Big Winning Streak for Hunters

It’s amazing what Department of The Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has done for American hunters...

Breaking News: Secretary Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Game Migration Corridors

SO 3362 is big news at the 2018 Utah hunt expo as Zinke directs more...
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