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Purple Heart Recipient Heals through Hunting

Freedom Hunters helps six veterans move past the wounds of war during a hunt at...

Urban Coyote Attacks Increasing on Humans and Deer

Is this any wonder as coyotes expand into nearly all urban areas nationwide?

Facts Show Hunting Bans Hurt African Wildlife

Research proves hunting bans are detrimental to African wildlife and local communities.

Falconry Brings the Hunting Heritage to Mainstream Films

Award-winning documentaries on falconry show that whether hunting with a gun, bow or bird, hunting...

A Conservation Officer’s View on How Hunters Care

Steeped in safety, ethics and compassion, hunters remain the No. 1 stewards of America’s natural...

Paleo Diet Unsettles the Anti-Hunters’ Playbook

Actor Chris Pratt’s and Paleo magazine’s views support the reasonable majority—those in the middle who...

Hunters Can’t Hide in the Woods

As stewards of the land and wildlife, it’s time for hunters to proclaim the importance...

Canis Stew: Issues Surrounding Wolves and Coyotes

Using history as a reference point, the author examines the impact of America’s expanding wolf...

PETA Ad Tries to Play Us for Fools

In step with the HSUS, PETA ignores the blood on its lettuce as its actions...

Preservation Is Not Conservation

Contrary to popular belief, conservation and preservation are not interchangeable terms.

Goodbye to the Anti-Hunter Propaganda King

The fall of HSUS’ Wayne Pacelle shows one’s professional character often falls in line with...

Slate Magazine’s Position on Coyote Hunting is Laughable

The online magazine’s view that hunters are useless in controlling expanding coyote populations is laugh-out-loud...

West Nile Virus Hits Michigan Ruffed Grouse

As biologists continue to study the virus, here’s how hunters should handle a ruffed grouse...

NRA’s Free Online Hunter Ed Course Launches in Two More States

Today Connecticut joins Florida and, more recently, Oregon in offering NRA’s free online hunter education...

HSUS’ Biggest Lie Exposed performs a valuable public service by uncovering how the HSUS uses the bulk of...

Repercussions to Hit B.C. as Grizzly Season Closes

With British Columbia’s grizzly bear hunting season ending on Nov. 30, increased human-bear conflicts and...

New York City Schools Force Meatless Mondays?

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is teaming with city school officials to launch “Meatless Mondays”...

National Geographic Stops Just Short of Being Honest

The magazine jumps into the “does hunting save wildlife” debate with its article, “Should We...

Why American Hunters Care about Asia's Snow Leopards

One of the many ties that bind us hunters is that we care about the...

Debunking the Yellowstone Grizzly Delisting Lawsuits

Despite that Yellowstone-area grizzly bears have surpassed ESA recovery goals, anti-hunting extremists are suing the...
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