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NRA and Gun Owners Win as White House Withdraws Chipman ATF Nomination

The NRA spent nearly $3 million to protect American gun owners.

Sportsmen’s Groups Fight Proposal Potentially Banning all Legally Traded Wildlife

Hunter-conservationists mobilize to uphold lawful hunting and wildlife conservation.

American Wildlife Conservation Partners Celebrate 20 Years of Conservation Success

The 50-group coalition continues to chart the course to protect wildlife’s future.

Bear Hunting Season Closed in New Jersey

The Murphy administration’s stall tactic impairs wildlife management.

Oregon’s IP 13 to Criminalize Hunting, Fishing, Animal Husbandry

Oregonians lifestyle and livelihoods hinge on defeating this initiative.

What is 30x30 and How Will It Impact Hunters?

Here’s why the NRA joined the “Hunt Fish 30X30” sportsmen’s coalition.

Deadly Consequences: Grizzly Bear Kills Camper in Montana

The recovered species’ fatal attacks on humans are at an all-time high.

Hunters Prevail: Interior Department Defers Closing 40 Million Alaska Acres to Hunting This Fall

Backed by science, hunting groups mobilized to push any decision to 2022.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Goes Viral over Hunter Training

So why won’t he end Facebook’s censorship of fellow hunters’ content?

22 Sportsmen’s Groups Join Fight to Derail Biden ATF Nominee David Chipman

Chipman’s gun control agenda starts with a ban on the popular AR-15.

New Jersey To Ban Urine-Based Deer Attractants This Fall

Here’s another reason to double-check the regulations for any state you hunt.

Voice of Leadership: Why Hunters Must Monitor Public Hunting Policy

Elected officials’ actions and voting patterns impact hunting’s future.

Interior Department’s Abrupt Closure of Northern Alaska Public Lands Puts 2021 Moose and Caribou Hunts at Risk

Hunters’ comment period ends Apr. 20 with a public hearing set for Apr. 23.

Super Shocker: Promotes Negative R3 Content

Hunters rally, slamming the site to fight for conservation and legal, regulated hunting.

Japan Incentivizes Hunting as Wildlife Management Tool

The hurdle: Its hunters need access to firearms as well as hunter training.

Voice of Leadership: Promoting Cultural Acceptance of Hunting

Here’s another way the NRA is working to protect hunting’s future.

Oklahoma Recognizes NRA’s Free Online Hunter Education Course

NRA’s $3 million investment in hunting’s future means quality education for all.

Celebrating the Trump Administration’s Hunting and Conservation Success

Four years of action marked unprecedented accomplishments for hunters on the federal level.

NRA, USFWS Sign MOU to Collaborate on Hunter Recruitment, Conservation

The agreement pools hunter recruitment, training and conservation efforts.

A Pandemic-Inspired Surge in Hunting Participation? Media Reports Indicate It!

Uptick in numbers may help halt long decline in hunting.
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