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Elk Expanding in Virginia

The benefit of hunters’ hard-earned conservation dollars strikes again as elk numbers continue to rise.

Sharing the Story of Hunters and Hunting

The surest way to help non-hunters understand why we hunt is simply to talk with...

Black Bear Attacks on the Rise in Colorado

Colorado says be “bear aware” as human-bear conflicts escalate.

Zinke Names NRA Leaders to Hunting and Conservation Council

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke welcomes NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox and NRA Hunters Leadership Forum Co-Chair Trig...

Facts Show Hunting Bans Hurt African Wildlife

Research proves hunting bans are detrimental to African wildlife and local communities.

“How Wolves Change Rivers” Video is a Myth

The 4-minute, 33-second anti-wolf-hunting video is packed with glaring errors and deliberate tricks.

Canis Stew: Issues Surrounding Wolves and Coyotes

Using history as a reference point, the author examines the impact of America’s expanding wolf...

Zinke’s First Year Marks Big Winning Streak for Hunters

It’s amazing what Department of The Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has done for American hunters...

Study Shows Wolves Directly Impact Minnesota Moose Numbers

State DNR scientists say moose-population fluctuations are related to these predators.

Breaking News: Secretary Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Game Migration Corridors

SO 3362 is big news at the 2018 Utah hunt expo as Zinke directs more...

How to Hook the Novice Hunter

Check out these opportunities for introducing someone new to a lifetime of hunting enjoyment.

SCI Living Legend, 91, Signing Books at SCI Show

Meet international hunting pioneer Chris Klineburger in Las Vegas, Jan. 31-Feb. 4.

Houston Safari Club Hunting Expo Sets Stage for Family Fun

The Lone Star State draws thousands for a celebration of America’s hunting and conservation heritage,...

West Nile Virus Hits Michigan Ruffed Grouse

As biologists continue to study the virus, here’s how hunters should handle a ruffed grouse...

Hunters to Aid NPS in SD Elk Cull to Stop Spread of CWD

South Dakota’s decision to use hunters instead of sharpshooters in its February elk culling operation...

Deer Herds Aided by Selective Antlerless Harvests

The selective taking of antlerless deer produces an enhanced buck-to-doe ratio and quality bucks.

Seeking World Approval Will Exterminate All Hunting

Because the facts do not advance themselves, we hunters must go on offense and claim...

Pros and Cons of Modern-Day Hunting TV

As anti-hunters look for any opportunity to shut down hunting, networks, producers, hosts and American...

Botswana Hunting Ban Hurts African Wildlife and Economy

Botswana’s hunting ban has had perilous effects on both wildlife and local communities.

Taking Advantage of Private Land Access Programs

Did you know many states are adopting programs that grant hunters and anglers more access...
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