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The Future of African Wildlife Hangs in the Balance

The American and African hunting communities await decisions being made in Geneva.

Virginia Hunters Raise $17,684.89 to Feed the Hungry

Virginia Hunters Who Care is just one example of hunters making the world better.

Ineffective Deer Sterilization Programs Cost Taxpayers Millions

From New York to Michigan, deer vasectomies are money-makers for everyone except the taxpayers.

Partnerships Propel the R3 Movement Forward

The successes and challenges of collaborative efforts continue to be explored and acted upon.

USFWS Says Free NRA Hunter Ed Course Counts As P-R Match Dollars

The USFWS’ new policy now allows states to use the course to tap federal grants. Contributor Wins National Award

Kudos to the website and contributor Phil Phillips for delivering the news on hunting issues.

CBS News Tells the True Story of Trophy Hunting

A CBS documentary touts the benefits of hunters’ role in Zimbabwe.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

Why the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Site Is Hunters’ Top Tool

Visit to stay on top of the hunting issues and share our stories.

Interior Secretary Seeks to Expand Hunting Opportunities

The NRA-backed proposal would open 1.4 million acres of public lands to hunting.

Workshop Teaches How to Successfully Debate Hunting

Tips from America’s No. 1 debate strategist pay dividends in seizing control of the narrative.

New Maine Law Expands Crossbow Hunting Opportunities

Crossbows are now permitted during the fall archery hunting seasons.

Spec Ops Lessons for Anti-Poaching and Community Conservation

A Marine’s training in evaluating insurgencies provides insight into global anti-poaching operations.

Identifying Business Practices That Foster the R3 Movement

Promoting the national R3 movement within the hunting community is the first step.

NRA Contributor Takes on NJ Governor Over Hunting Fee Hikes

The author appeared on Fox News to expose the proposed financial punishment of hunters.

Maine Logs Highest Deer Harvest in Nearly Two Decades

The Pine Tree state's new R3 coordinator readies to follow Georgia’s hunter growth example.

Can We Fight Zombie Deer?

Congress pushes for funding, scientists push for a cure, yet CWD continues to spread.

U.S. Senate Confirms Bernhardt as Secretary of the Interior

President Trump's pick prioritizes wildlife conservation while managing natural resources.

Acting DOI Secretary Continues Big Game Conservation Efforts

David Bernhardt announced that $1.5 million has been approved to benefit Western big game.

President Signs Lands Bill That Protects Hunting Access

Bill’s passage enhances access to hunting and recreational shooting on federal lands.
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