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Wild Fur: The Green Alternative to Fake Fur

Nothing works as well or is softer on the environment than wild fur.

HSUS’ Biggest Lie Exposed performs a valuable public service by uncovering how the HSUS uses the bulk of...

New HSUS Protein Standards Aim to Hike Meal Prices

The HSUS’ costly new animal protein standards for the food industry will impact every American...

PETA Slaughtered 1,411 Cats and Dogs in 2016

That’s right: The so-called People for the “Ethical Treatment” of Animals admitted to killing 1,411...

Love Animals? Then Don't Donate to HSUS!

Don't be duped. Here are yet more reasons to go around the HSUS by supporting...

HSUS or PETA: Which Anti-Hunting Extremist Organization is Worse?

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the People for the Ethical Treatment... Calls Out the Humane Society of the United States in Full-Page USA Today Ad

According to today's ad in USA Today, the Humane Society of the United States...