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Biden Administration Says No to Delisting Recovered Grizzlies During Final Days in Office

It favors a new proposed rule changing the approach to the species’ recovery.

The Year in Review: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Top News Stories of 2024

As we kick off the new year, here are the issues we faced in 2024.

Alberta Adjusts Grizzly Bear Management Plan to Allow Hunters to Take Problem Bears

It says the move is not a “hunt” as only specific bears will be targeted.

California Confirms First Fatal Black Bear Attack on a Human

Amid rising bear populations, hunting is an increasingly important wildlife management tool.

Biden Administration Moves on with Plan for Grizzly Bear Release Despite Pushback

Washington state residents are voicing concerns over their safety and livelihoods.

Hunters Working for Hunters: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest issues that impacted hunters in 2023.

Hunter Alert: Weigh in on B.C. Grizzly Bear Management by Oct. 6

The B.C. Ministry of Forests welcomes public feedback on its draft plan.

Latest Fatal Grizzly Bear Attack Underscores Need for Species’ Management through Hunting

A woman's death in Montana is a wake-up call to cut growing bear populations.

Federal Bills Addressing Gray Wolf and Grizzly Bear Management Pass out of Committee

NRA applauds the legislators for following the science regarding recovered species.

USFWS Considers Delisting Grizzlies in Two Ecosystems in the Lower 48

Petitions from the governors of Montana and Wyoming made the case for review.

Wyoming Grizzly Bear Attack Amplifies Need for Species’ Management

More humans are harmed as the recovered species remains delisted.

Report Says Montana Camper’s Fatality Due to Rare Predatory Grizzly Bear Attack

Yet another tragedy reminds us to remain vigilant when in grizzly bear country.

The Ongoing Saga of the Grizzly Bear

Here’s what happens when a recovered predator is given federal protections.

Equal Access to Injustice: Animal Rights Extremists’ Misuse of the Equal Access to Justice Act

Extremist groups hijack it to force taxpayers to cover their attorney fees.

Having Hunters’ Backs: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Revisit top stories from 2021 as we work to address threats to hunting’s future.

Deadly Consequences: Grizzly Bear Kills Camper in Montana

The recovered species’ fatal attacks on humans are at an all-time high.

The Citizen Conservation that Saved California Tule Elk

A German immigrant with a cattle empire was the first to conserve the species.

Caught on Video: Grizzly Kills Mature Bull Elk in Yellowstone Park

When it comes to wildlife management, don’t elk lives matter, too? Contributor’s Article Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA HLF website wins Professional Outdoor Media Association honors three years in a row.

Taking Grizzlies from Field to Table?

With grizzly bear delisting again making headlines, don’t overlook how the meat can be tasty.
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