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NRA’s Peter Churchbourne is Florida’s Hunter Safety Instructor of the Year

Florida is delivering free online hunter education, thanks to the NRA.

Hunting Themes to End for America’s Duck Stamps?

The Biden administration may overturn the pro-hunting rule change.

Texas Hunters and Researchers Keep Sights Set on Feral Hog Control

Hunters can trim hog populations and put food on the grill this Memorial Day.

PETA Trying to Ban “Speciesist” Definitions in the Dictionary

It says calling a treacherous person a snake is a “slur” that aids human-supremacy.

The Truth about Texas’ Exotic Wildlife

Hunters’ dollars save species where hunting is leveraged as a management tool.

Pennsylvania to Expand Sunday Hunting in 2021

The state game commission plans to include additional species this fall.

The Citizen Conservation that Saved California Tule Elk

A German immigrant with a cattle empire was the first to conserve the species.

Voice of Leadership: Are We Doing Hunter Recruitment Right?

As the hunting population ages, new approaches are needed to bolster our ranks

Illinois Game Warden Says R3 Efforts Can Recruit More Conservation Officers

America’s natural wildlife resources need future generations to manage, conserve and protect them.

Hunting with Type 1 Diabetes

Diagnosed at age 20, this Distinguished Rifleman Badge holder urges others to pursue their dreams.

Hunters Support Medical Facility at Sporting Clays Event

Georgia hunters are tapping into the fun of competitive shooting to support their community.

Are We Telling Non-Hunters the Right Story?

When someone asks why you hunt, what do you tell them?

Honoring All of the Beast Includes the Horns

You can honor the hunt while still being awe-inspired by an animal’s majesty.

NRA Offers Nation’s Most Comprehensive Youth Hunter Ed Program

The NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge inspires young hunters on local, state and regional levels.

NRA’s Adaptive Shooting Program Aids Disabled Hunters

Specialized techniques and technologies now make the outdoor lifestyle accessible to everyone.

How Effective Are You as a Hunting Mentor?

A memorable mentor will make the first-time-hunter feel welcomed into the community.

Trophy Hunting’s Crucial Role in Africa

Legal, regulated hunting is what generates the revenue needed to conserve wildlife species.

Kentucky Becomes Eighth State to Offer FREE NRA Hunter Ed

The updated online course is available without cost to hunters or state agencies.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

Hunting Story Reported ACCURATELY by Mainstream Media

When the fact hunters’ dollars ensure wildlife conservation makes headlines, some see it as news.
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