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The Year in Review: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Top News Stories of 2024

As we kick off the new year, here are the issues we faced in 2024.

NRA Says New Massachusetts Law Will Negatively Impact Hunters

The NRA’s lobbying arm is set to challenge the law’s unconstitutional restrictions.

Wile E. Coyote on the East Coast, the West Coast—and Everywhere in Between

Even Massachusetts says to beware of aggressive coyotes this mating season.

How the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Makes Poachers Pay

It tracks wildlife violations and underscores how poaching IS NOT hunting.

Why NSSF Created the Partner with a Payer Initiative

This program builds relationships between wildlife agencies and the firearms industry.

Study Shows Americans Shifting Away from Wildlife Realities

Urban lifestyles and shrinking rural populations are shifting public values toward wildlife.

Mentor New Hunters for Spring Turkey Season Now

Use holiday downtime to teach novice hunters to work a turkey call and set plans...

Map and Compass Course Sets Path to Hunter Confidence

Massachusetts’ free course aims to improve hunter safety and land navigation skills.

Slate Magazine’s Position on Coyote Hunting is Laughable

The online magazine’s view that hunters are useless in controlling expanding coyote populations is laugh-out-loud...

Massachusetts Sportsmen to Fight AR Ban at Monday Rally

Massachusetts hunters are set to gather Monday, Aug.15, against state's recent AR-style rifle ban.

State Fish & Game Contacts

Your one-stop source for addresses and links to fish and game authorities nationwide.

Kansas Right to Hunt Heads for November Ballot

Attention Kansas Hunters: Vote "yes" on Election Day 2016 and make Kansas the 20th state...

Hunters May Soon Get Grizzly Bear Tags in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that after 41 years of Endangered Species Act protection,...