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The Evolution of Hunter Recruitment: Embracing the R3 Movement

Efforts to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters can halt hunting participation’s decline.

Wisconsin First-Time Buyers Get Hunting License Price Break

The savings is for new and lapsed hunters—residents and nonresidents alike.

Voice of Leadership: Why Hunter Reactivation is Crucial to the R3 Movement

Where there’s a will, there’s a way to reconnect with the hunting lifestyle.

Free 2021 R3 Virtual Forum This Week

Register now to attend the half-day event on May 5.

Super Shocker: Promotes Negative R3 Content

Hunters rally, slamming the site to fight for conservation and legal, regulated hunting.

Voice of Leadership: How Wildlife Restoration is Funded in America

There is a direct link between hunters and wildlife conservation resources.

Voice of Leadership Panel: Why Does R3 Matter?

Mentoring is rewarding and pays dividends toward wildlife conservation.

Illinois Game Warden Says R3 Efforts Can Recruit More Conservation Officers

America’s natural wildlife resources need future generations to manage, conserve and protect them.

R3 Programs Evolving, Expanding Nationwide

Bolstering the national R3 movement, numerous states now underscore hunter recruitment, retention and reactivation.

USFWS Says Free NRA Hunter Ed Course Counts As P-R Match Dollars

The USFWS’ new policy now allows states to use the course to tap federal grants.

Can Women Save Our Hunting Heritage By Themselves?

Females are more likely to pick up hunting, but can that stem the sport's decline?

Identifying Business Practices That Foster the R3 Movement

Promoting the national R3 movement within the hunting community is the first step.

Maine Logs Highest Deer Harvest in Nearly Two Decades

The Pine Tree state's new R3 coordinator readies to follow Georgia’s hunter growth example.

The Single Resolution Each Hunter Must Make for 2019

Resolve to go on the offensive against the anti-hunting, anti-freedom barrage.

R3 Symposium Narrows Outdoor Community’s Focus and Needs

The national “recruitment, retention and reactivation” event outlined steps to reverse the decline in hunter...

National R3 Symposium Aims to Bolster Hunter Numbers

The Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports will focus on Recruitment, Retention and...

R3 in Action via the Georgia Hunt and Learn Program

This Georgia DNR program is an example of what the collective hunting community is doing...

The Three "Rs" of Hunting's Future

Research shows that integrating the three "Rs"—Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation—is the key to increasing the...

Number of Hunters Who Hunt Mostly for the Meat Still Grows

Research conducted by Responsive Management shows the proportion of American hunters who say they hunt...

The Dirty Dozen Threats to Hunting: 21st Century Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation

The latest report from Responsive Management on the 12 leading threats to hunting in the...