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Proposed Cat Hunting Ban to Be Added to Colorado’s 2024 General Election Ballot

The state says anti-hunters gathered enough signatures to put it to a vote.

Colorado’s Expanding Predator Populations Creating Pressure on Deer

A pack of lions just crossed a Denver driveway.

Hunt 24/7 by Helping to Control Invasive Species

Yearning for deer season? Consider these year-round hunting opportunities.

Texas Hunters and Researchers Keep Sights Set on Feral Hog Control

Hunters can trim hog populations and put food on the grill this Memorial Day.

Animal Rightists’ “Stupid Humans” Comment on Social Media Falls Flat

Despite what extremists post on social media, it’s thanks to “stupid humans” that wildlife thrives.

Touting Hunters’ Role in Invasive and Native Species Management

Hunters keep wildlife populations in check, fund habitat enhancement and boost the economy.

USFWS Seeks to Delist Whitetail Subspecies in Florida Keys

Despite threats, the recovery of the Key deer is a conservation success story.

Ineffective Deer Sterilization Programs Cost Taxpayers Millions

From New York to Michigan, deer vasectomies are money-makers for everyone except the taxpayers.

The Benefits of Working with Conservation Groups

Volunteering helps keep land open while expanding hunting opportunities.

Feral Hogs in the ’Burbs: Could Hunters Help?

As wild hogs overrun residential areas in Texas and the Southeast, hunters are the common...

Hunters: The Free Solution to Managing Urban Deer

To stem urban deer populations, some local governments are sidestepping hiring sharpshooters and letting hunters...

Will the Next Generation Lose All Touch with Reality?

As this Yale study shows, youths’ outdoor interaction instills their commitment to nature—when it can...

Take an Adult Squirrel Hunting

Offering ample teachable moments, hunting those agile, tree-dwelling "bushytails” just may be the best way...

The Role of the Hunter and the Gun in Wildlife Conservation

Without the American hunter and his gun, wildlife conservation simply does not exist.

Saturday Marks 44th Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day

Proclaimed "National Hunting and Fishing Day," Sept. 24 lauds sportsmen for the billions of dollars...