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Deadly Consequences: Grizzly Bear Kills Camper in Montana

The recovered species’ fatal attacks on humans are at an all-time high.

Voice of Leadership: Why Hunters Must Monitor Public Hunting Policy

Elected officials’ actions and voting patterns impact hunting’s future.

Scientists Say U.S. Jaguar Reintroduction Would Aid Species Expansion

Will the endangered cat be returned to its historic range in the Southwest?

Judge Says NRA and SCI Have Right to Intervene in Lawsuits over Gray Wolf Delisting

Extremists aim to shut down states’ authority to manage the recovered species.

The Truth about Texas’ Exotic Wildlife

Hunters’ dollars save species where hunting is leveraged as a management tool.

NRA Gives Hunters a Voice in Three Gray Wolf Delisting Lawsuits

NRA and SCI are working to defend hunting and keep wolf numbers in check.

Early Wisconsin Wolf Season Closes, Hunters Hit Quota in 48 Hours

The state acted in case the new administration restores the recovered species’ protections.

Animal Rightists’ “Stupid Humans” Comment on Social Media Falls Flat

Despite what extremists post on social media, it’s thanks to “stupid humans” that wildlife thrives.

Caught on Video: Grizzly Kills Mature Bull Elk in Yellowstone Park

When it comes to wildlife management, don’t elk lives matter, too?

Hunters Win in California As S.B. 1175 Dies in State Senate

It’s a good day for African wildlife as the Iconic Species Act is derailed. Contributor’s Article Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA HLF website wins Professional Outdoor Media Association honors three years in a row.

California Anti-Hunting S.B. 1175 Set for 1 p.m. Hearing Today

Extremists’ “yea” votes will only harm African wildlife.

Maine Anti-Hunters Target Hunters with Petitions to Protect Predators

Ditching concerns over public safety, anti-hunters seek to preserve coyotes and bears.

NRA Touts Win for Hunters in 6-Year-Old Court Case over Import Permits

The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the USFWS’ policy underscoring hunting as wildlife management.

California to Vote on Hunting Import Ban of Legally Hunted Wildlife

Set for a hearing on May 26, S.B. 1175 would criminalize possession of 13 species.

How Will America Continue to Pay for Wildlife Conservation?

The conservation of our wildlife resources is a job for hunters and non-hunters alike.

Touting Hunters’ Role in Invasive and Native Species Management

Hunters keep wildlife populations in check, fund habitat enhancement and boost the economy.

“Tiger King” and the Dramatization of Conservation

Netflix’s docuseries provides a jaw-dropping look at wildlife ownership, not to be confused with conservation.

Utah’s Early Closure of Swan Hunt Attests to Species Recovery

State agencies’ and hunters’ efforts are preserving the threatened trumpeter swan.
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