
Your search for hunting is conservation matched article(s).
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USFWS Bans Captive-Bred Lion Trophy Imports from South Africa

The USFWS announced the end of all trophy imports of captive-bred lions from South Africa,...

New Jersey Moves to End Bear Hunting Amid Overpopulation?

New Jersey is overrun with bears, but anti-hunters don’t want you to hunt them—and they...

"Hunting Is Conservation" Wins Out at Recent CITES CoP17 Conference

Common sense prevails at the 2016 CITES Conference as the global meeting spotlights hunting’s value...

If Anti-Hunters Had Compassion, They'd Be Hunters!

Anti-hunters call themselves compassionate despite a blatant disregard for the destructive real-life consequences of their...

Conservation vs. Preservation: What's the Difference?

Though the two terms appear closely linked, conservation ensures the proper use of nature while...

The Hunter's Grasp on the Natural World

Hunters possess naturalistic tendencies that many non-hunters do not understand about us—especially those who do...

Hunters Continue to Stumble onto Drug Cartel's Illegal Marijuana Grows

Fall hunting seasons are in high gear, but beware: so is marijuana-growing season for the...

Ignorance Is Not Bliss Regarding Hunting and Conservation

Some say ignorance is bliss, but it’s a major threat to hunting and wildlife conservation.

The Role of the Hunter and the Gun in Wildlife Conservation

Without the American hunter and his gun, wildlife conservation simply does not exist.

Saturday Marks 44th Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day

Proclaimed "National Hunting and Fishing Day," Sept. 24 lauds sportsmen for the billions of dollars...

The Sagebrush Connection

For us hunters, even the mere smell of sagebrush can transport us back to a...

Scientists Finally Admit Cecil Wasn't Lured from Park

More than a year since the lion was hunted, scientists finally disclose that it was...

ATF Delays Rule Change Impacting Ammo Industry

Thanks to organizations like the NRA, a delay in the ATF's decision to reclassify the...

Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

Highlighting hunting as a necessary form of wildlife management, Pennsylvania amends its deer-control application process...

Hunters' Contributions to U.S. Wildlife Conservation

The definitive paper compiling American hunters' contributions to wildlife conservation.

DSC and American Hunters Funding Africa's Anti-Poaching Units

The fact that the hunter-based Dallas Safari Club is providing grant monies in support of...

Federal Court Overturns New Jersey Trophy Import Ban

Hunters won big on Aug. 29 when a Federal judge said New Jersey's law banning...

USFWS Halts Predator Control on Alaska Refuges

The predators are set up to win again as the USFWS rules that Alaska can’t...

Why Do You Hunt?

Being a prepared hunter starts by knowing how to answer the question.

Hunter and Hounds Track and Kill Cougar After Attack

A 4-year-old was saved from the jaws of a mountain lion—and then this tale’s unsung...
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