
Your search for nra hunting matched article(s).
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Hunters to Aid NPS in SD Elk Cull to Stop Spread of CWD

South Dakota’s decision to use hunters instead of sharpshooters in its February elk culling operation...

New Year Kicks Off with DSC Show, Jan. 4-7

First up on the 2018 hunting show scene is this week’s annual Dallas Safari Club...

Anti-Hunters Admit They Even Want to Ban Muzzleloaders

Anti-gunners are showing their hand as they work to ban muzzleloaders.

Wisconsin Welcomes All Ages into Mentored Hunter Program

NRA applauds Governor Walker for signing a bill eliminating the age requirement young residents must...

Tips for Increasing Public Land Access

Opportunities can open up quickly if you maximize available resources.

Fathers in the Field Making a Difference

Here’s how the NRA-backed Fathers in the Field program mentors young boys one-on-one in life...

The Gun That May Have Killed the First Thanksgiving Turkey

A gun in NRA's National Firearms Museum may have dropped the first Thanksgiving turkey.

Why Hunters Should Thank the NRA at Thanksgiving

The NRA is the fighting brand for all American hunters.

Promoting the Mentoring Stage of Hunting

Mentoring a new hunter is personally rewarding, but it’s also the key to building our...

New York City Schools Force Meatless Mondays?

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is teaming with city school officials to launch “Meatless Mondays”...

USFWS Rule Expands Hunting on 10 Wildlife Refuges

The USFWS announced Secretary Zinke’s move to expand opportunities on select national wildlife refuges is...

Anti-Hunters Are Attacking Farmers, Too

As extremist groups work to end hunting, they are attacking the agricultural community too in...

2018 NRA Distinguished Hunters Leadership Award Nominations Due

Attention NRA members! Consider nominating an exceptional leader in the field of hunting and wildlife...

USFWS Allows Lion Trophy Imports from Zimbabwe and Zambia

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says hunting is beneficial to the species’ survival.

9 Heart-Healthy Ways to Transport Big Game

Getting our elk out of the woods can cause more physical stress than our hearts...

NRA Hunting TV Ads Expose Culture War on Hunting

The recently unveiled “NRA Hunting” campaign is backed by NRATV ads and articles on

HSUS Pushes Arizona Cougar Hunting Ban via Ballot Box

With HSUS trying to end cougar hunting statewide, hunters must spread the word and vote...

Will Threat of CWD Lead to Deer-Attractant Bans?

As wildlife managers work to prevent the spread of CWD, hunters using deer urine-based scents...

Zinke’s Employee “Shotgun Showdown” Promotes Hunting

Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke’s “Shotgun Showdown” entails playing the “Big Buck...

NRA, Sportsmen Honor National Hunting and Fishing Day

Follow the lead of NRA’s Richard Childress this Saturday and celebrate NHFD by introducing someone...
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