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NRA and Gun Owners Win as White House Withdraws Chipman ATF Nomination

The NRA spent nearly $3 million to protect American gun owners.

American Wildlife Conservation Partners Celebrate 20 Years of Conservation Success

The 50-group coalition continues to chart the course to protect wildlife’s future.

Calling All Hunters! Set Sights on the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Dinner Sept. 3

Join the hunting party at the NRA Annual Meetings in Houston.

NRA Supports Hunters and Shooters, Reopens Public Range Fund

Timing is ideal amid the surge of 8.4 million new gun buyers in 2020.

22 Sportsmen’s Groups Join Fight to Derail Biden ATF Nominee David Chipman

Chipman’s gun control agenda starts with a ban on the popular AR-15.

Scientists Say U.S. Jaguar Reintroduction Would Aid Species Expansion

Will the endangered cat be returned to its historic range in the Southwest?

Judge Says NRA and SCI Have Right to Intervene in Lawsuits over Gray Wolf Delisting

Extremists aim to shut down states’ authority to manage the recovered species.

How to Talk about Hunting

A new NRA book teaches hunters to be tactical, practical thinkers and communicators.

The Truth about Texas’ Exotic Wildlife

Hunters’ dollars save species where hunting is leveraged as a management tool.

University of Pennsylvania Cancel Culture Snubs Campus Hunting Club

Hunters are being discriminated against in the “Birthplace of America?”

Oklahoma Recognizes NRA’s Free Online Hunter Education Course

NRA’s $3 million investment in hunting’s future means quality education for all.

Why Touting Misinformation about Hunting Is Wrong

An article in thwarts three of anti-hunters’ most popular claims.

Early Wisconsin Wolf Season Closes, Hunters Hit Quota in 48 Hours

The state acted in case the new administration restores the recovered species’ protections.

Bigfoot Hunting Season Legislation Introduced in Oklahoma

What a way to tap into hunters’ dollars and aid the economy.

Whatever Happened to Bullied Texas Teen Hunter Kendall Jones?

Years after enduring social media attacks, Jones thrives as a hunting industry ambassador.

Interior Secretary Addresses Conservation Leaders, Launches GAOA Task Force

SOI Bernhardt shares Great American Outdoors Act implementation plans with the AWCP.

Interior Secretary Announces Historic Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on Public Lands

Opening 2.3 million more acres brings the Trump administration’s total to a record 4-million-plus. Contributor’s Article Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA HLF website wins Professional Outdoor Media Association honors three years in a row.

President Trump Signs Great American Outdoors Act into Law

President Trump and Interior Secretary Bernhardt marked the milestone at an Aug. 4 signing ceremony.

Hunting Industry’s Voice of Leadership Panel to Debut in September

There is no better time to ensure America’s hunting community remains galvanized and informed.
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