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Tennessee to Benefit from Georgia’s Hunter Expansion Programs

The Volunteer State has hired the orchestrator of Georgia’s successful efforts to grow hunting ranks.

California City Prepares to Cull Pet-Eating Coyotes

Torrence residents’ call to action addresses the predators’ increasing attacks on children and pets.

Wisconsin Collegians Band Woodcock to Study Biology

Conservation efforts for these wading birds are timed to coincide with springtime's Sky Dance.

Texas Mule Deer Project Poised to Enrich All Hunters

Hunting organizations donate enticements for hunters who contribute harvest data for experiment.

Interior Dept. Grants $495K to Utah and Arizona for Big Game Migration Research

Research funding through S.O. 3362 covers the cost to collar and study 180 mule deer.

Secretary Zinke Upholds States’ Wildlife Management Authority

His new policy settles the issue between state and federal agencies despite which entity owns...

Hunter-Conservationists Transplant 24 Lions to Mozambique

The move from South Africa to Mozambique recovers a healthy lion population and adds 2.5...

Study Shows How to Stem Conservation Funding Declines

Data can help state agencies find new ways to recruit sportsmen to secure future conservation...

Cougar and Grizzly Hunts Show Role of Legal, Regulated Hunting

New predator hunting opportunities underscore hunting’s effectiveness as a wildlife management tool.

The Hunters’ Guide to Securing a Hunting Lease

Check out these tips on finding and securing a hunting lease.

Understanding Anti-Hunters

While anti-hunters claim moral superiority over mainstream American hunters, their platform is unsupported by the...

Urban Coyote Attacks Increasing on Humans and Deer

Is this any wonder as coyotes expand into nearly all urban areas nationwide?

NPR's Fake News: Antis’ Pseudo-Science Strives to Undermine Hunting

Distorting scientific evidence to try and end all hunting is tops in the animal rights...

“How Wolves Change Rivers” Video is a Myth

The 4-minute, 33-second anti-wolf-hunting video is packed with glaring errors and deliberate tricks.

Wildlife Overpasses Protect Man and Animals Alike

State highway administrations and wildlife biologists are teaming up to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions.

Landmark CWD Deer Study Breaks New Ground in Wisconsin

As the Wisconsin DNR reviews data from year one of the five-year study, here’s how...

Canis Stew: Issues Surrounding Wolves and Coyotes

Using history as a reference point, the author examines the impact of America’s expanding wolf...

Study Shows Wolves Directly Impact Minnesota Moose Numbers

State DNR scientists say moose-population fluctuations are related to these predators.

Breaking News: Secretary Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Game Migration Corridors

SO 3362 is big news at the 2018 Utah hunt expo as Zinke directs more...

West Nile Virus Hits Michigan Ruffed Grouse

As biologists continue to study the virus, here’s how hunters should handle a ruffed grouse...
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