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Game Meat Is Natural Choice for Hunting’s New Generation

Wisconsin’s Learn to Hunt for Food program is a hit as new hunters embrace a...

British Columbia’s Perverse Hat Trick

No science, no deliberation and now no grizzly hunting!

R3 in Action via the Georgia Hunt and Learn Program

This Georgia DNR program is an example of what the collective hunting community is doing...

How to Hook the Novice Hunter

Check out these opportunities for introducing someone new to a lifetime of hunting enjoyment.

Slate Magazine’s Position on Coyote Hunting is Laughable

The online magazine’s view that hunters are useless in controlling expanding coyote populations is laugh-out-loud...

Pros and Cons of Modern-Day Hunting TV

As anti-hunters look for any opportunity to shut down hunting, networks, producers, hosts and American...

Exhibit Honors Early 20th Century Outdoor Writer MacQuarrie

A Wisconsin exhibit honors America’s first full-time outdoor writer Gordon MacQuarrie, whose famous stories continue...

Conservation Easements Protect Our Hunting Heritage

Placing your property under a conservation easement helps to ensure future generations will enjoy hunting...

Mentor Memories of a Lifetime

We owe our outdoor mentors a debt of gratitude. Perhaps the best way to thank...

Wisconsin Welcomes All Ages into Mentored Hunter Program

NRA applauds Governor Walker for signing a bill eliminating the age requirement young residents must...

Fathers in the Field Making a Difference

Here’s how the NRA-backed Fathers in the Field program mentors young boys one-on-one in life...

The Gun That May Have Killed the First Thanksgiving Turkey

A gun in NRA's National Firearms Museum may have dropped the first Thanksgiving turkey.

Veterans Day is Every Day at Freedom Hunters!

As we prepare to honor Veterans Day, learn how Freedom Hunters supports America’s military through...

Zinke’s Employee “Shotgun Showdown” Promotes Hunting

Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke’s “Shotgun Showdown” entails playing the “Big Buck...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

R3 Efforts Expanding

Challenges to the future of hunting are many, but so are the efforts to support...

Locavore Movement Attracting Healthy New Hunters

When it comes to eating locally grown and produced food, what could be healthier than...

The Three "Rs" of Hunting's Future

Research shows that integrating the three "Rs"—Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation—is the key to increasing the...

Florida Youth Hunter Programs Instill Conservation Stewardship

The Sunshine State "shines" light on how establishing young hunters' bonds with nature is the...

What Hemingway Taught Us About Hunting and Ourselves

Ernest Hemingway’s stories about hunting were really always about more than hunting—which, as we know,...
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