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Heading for the Hills? Beware of Dehydration!

Whether backpacking out West this summer or hunting its rugged peaks come fall, here’s why...

Meet General George Armstrong Custer the Hunter

Who knew General Custer—killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn on this very date—was an...

Should You Hire a Hunting Consultant?

Sweating the details? Reputable booking agents know their outfitters’ operations and hunting areas so your...

Falconry Brings the Hunting Heritage to Mainstream Films

Award-winning documentaries on falconry show that whether hunting with a gun, bow or bird, hunting...

Never Trust a Store Clerk

Confused about a game reg? Asking a local game warden for clarification prior to your...

My Favorite Hunting Rifles All Start with “AR”

Semi-automatic, AR-style rifles are not the fully-automatic military machine guns anti-gunners profess.

Feral Hogs in the ’Burbs: Could Hunters Help?

As wild hogs overrun residential areas in Texas and the Southeast, hunters are the common...

Hunters: The Free Solution to Managing Urban Deer

To stem urban deer populations, some local governments are sidestepping hiring sharpshooters and letting hunters...

Wyoming Proposes 2018 Grizzly Bear Season

For the first time in 40-plus years, hunters may see grizzly bear hunting in the...

Game Meat Is Natural Choice for Hunting’s New Generation

Wisconsin’s Learn to Hunt for Food program is a hit as new hunters embrace a...

British Columbia’s Perverse Hat Trick

No science, no deliberation and now no grizzly hunting!

Hogs Running Rampant? Read Wild Hog 101

Helping to address America’s overpopulation of wild pigs also translates to offseason shooting practice, fun...

Goodbye to the Anti-Hunter Propaganda King

The fall of HSUS’ Wayne Pacelle shows one’s professional character often falls in line with...

How to Hook the Novice Hunter

Check out these opportunities for introducing someone new to a lifetime of hunting enjoyment.

SCI Names Milligan North American Hunter of the Year

SCI member and British Columbia professional hunter Bob Milligan takes top honors at SCI Hunters’...

SCI Show Sets Stage for “Chasing the Adventure”

SCI has some surprises in store for its 46th annual hunters’ convention in Las Vegas...

Houston Safari Club Picks Peppers at Annual Convention

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum member John Pepper and grandson Tristan receive much deserved recognition during...

Houston Safari Club Hunting Expo Sets Stage for Family Fun

The Lone Star State draws thousands for a celebration of America’s hunting and conservation heritage,...

Synergy for Sheep: Why Attend the 2018 Sheep Show

The Wild Sheep Foundation’s Sheep Show in Reno, Nev., Jan. 18-20, is set to raise...

Antis Threaten Violence Against Texas Hunter

Yet one more hunter learns firsthand how personal threats are part of the anti-hunters’ playbook.
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