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Better Business Bureau Zaps HSUS’ Accreditation

Has the BBB finally seen the Humane Society of the United States’ true colors?

HSUS’ Biggest Lie Exposed performs a valuable public service by uncovering how the HSUS uses the bulk of...

HSUS Backs PETA’s “Personhood” for Animals Ploy

HSUS touted PETA’s agenda seeking legal “personhood” for animals at the recent Animal Rights National...

Super Bowl Ad Exposes HSUS Fraud

Humane Watch is making headlines—and headway—worldwide on Super Bowl Sunday with its TV commercial blasting...

Love Animals? Then Don't Donate to HSUS!

Don't be duped. Here are yet more reasons to go around the HSUS by supporting...

Neon NYC Billboard Exposes HSUS’ Fraudulent Fundraising

New York City’s Time Square is certainly packed with billboards, but here’s a neon pink...

FOX News Airs Latest Round of Attack Ads Exposing HSUS Deception

Viewers are will get the scoop on HSUS’ fraudulent fundraising tactics this week as’s...

HSUS Dupes Donors in Favor of Bankrolling Attacks on NRA and American Hunters

Sorry pet shelters: This new video from shows how the HSUS would rather spend...

PETA Refuses to Respond to Former Employee’s Puppy-Killing Allegations, Says Such Questions Are Equivalent to Asking How Often You Beat Your Wife

After receiving alleged insider information—and corresponding photographs—of how PETA kills animals from a former PETA...

88th Academy Awards Commercial Exposes HSUS’ Fraudulent Fundraising Tactics

Millions of Americans watching the Oscars last night got a public education on HSUS, thanks...

Must-See Video: Anti-Hunting HSUS Pummeled on Oklahoma House Floor

Now here’s a video hunters should see as the Oklahoma legislature calls out Humane Society... Calls Out the Humane Society of the United States in Full-Page USA Today Ad

According to today's ad in USA Today, the Humane Society of the United States...