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The Evolution of Hunter Recruitment: Embracing the R3 Movement

Efforts to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters can halt hunting participation’s decline.

Michigan Hunters and Farmers Team to Address Deer Overpopulation Crisis

With fewer hunters to balance deer numbers, deer are hungry, weak and subject to disease.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission Faces Controversy with New Anti-Hunting Appointees

Anti-hunting agendas ultimately undermine a state wildlife agency’s conservation goals.

African Hunt Shows How Taking the Oldest Animals Sustains Viable Populations

With no fat, no muscle and teeth worn to stubs, the bushbuck wouldn’t survive winter.

Colorado Bill to Ban Cat Hunting and Trapping set for Thursday Hearing

It would be illegal to hunt or trap any cat unless protecting humans or livestock.

New York Parks to Axe Outrageous Deer Vasectomy Program Due to Budget Cuts

The failed initiative looks even more ridiculous as we scramble for extra funds amid COVID-19.

Touting Hunters’ Role in Invasive and Native Species Management

Hunters keep wildlife populations in check, fund habitat enhancement and boost the economy.

Celebrate America’s National Wildlife Refuge Week, Oct. 13-19

Enjoy world-class recreation and see the protection of our lands by visiting a wildlife refuge.

Letting Africa Lead

Through firsthand accounts, the author reveals why lifting Botswana’s hunting ban will conserve its wildlife.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

South Carolina Increases Bear Tags Amid Overpopulation

Due to excess population numbers, coastal bear hunting permits will now be available to all...

Will the Next Generation Lose All Touch with Reality?

As this Yale study shows, youths’ outdoor interaction instills their commitment to nature—when it can...

New Jersey Moves to End Bear Hunting Amid Overpopulation?

New Jersey is overrun with bears, but anti-hunters don’t want you to hunt them—and they...

Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

Highlighting hunting as a necessary form of wildlife management, Pennsylvania amends its deer-control application process...

Reintroduce Cougars to Curb Deer Numbers?

Introduce mountain lions to cut the East’s burgeoning deer populations? How many ways could that...

Federal Report Says Hunter Volunteers Are Ideal For Game Culling

A National Park Service report lauds hunters over paid sharpshooters for keeping game populations in...

Zimbabwe Park May Cull 200-Plus African Lions as Drop in Hunter Numbers Stems Species' Overpopulation

What is the fate of a wildlife species—game and non-game alike—when its population becomes unsustainable?