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Colorado Voters to Decide Fate of Proposed Cat Hunting Ban on Nov. 5

Ballot-box biology discards the vital role of professional biologists and wildlife managers.

Colorado Predator Wars: First Wolves, Now Cats as Extremists Aim to Put Cat Hunting Ban on November Ballot

‘Ballot-box biology’ bypasses wildlife science and the legislative and regulatory process.

Trust the Science: U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Removing wolves’ federal protections would return their management to the states.

Hunting Is More Than the Harvest for Those Who Seek Adventure

Hunters enjoy remarkable experiences whether or not a game animal is taken.

Study Shows Americans Shifting Away from Wildlife Realities

Urban lifestyles and shrinking rural populations are shifting public values toward wildlife.

NRA Pivotal in Cracking Pennsylvania’s Sunday Hunting Ban

After 337 years, hunting will now be allowed on three Sundays thanks to NRA-ILA.

South African Nations Threaten to Leave Global Conservation Treaty

Its preservationist attitude may tear the landmark conservation agreement apart.

How to Deal with Fascists

Animal rights extremists got store managers in France fired for sharing hunting photos.

Trophy Hunting’s Crucial Role in Africa

Legal, regulated hunting is what generates the revenue needed to conserve wildlife species. Contributor Wins National Award

Kudos to the website and contributor Phil Phillips for delivering the news on hunting issues.

Letting Africa Lead

Through firsthand accounts, the author reveals why lifting Botswana’s hunting ban will conserve its wildlife.

The Hardest Thing of All to Explain About Hunting

Understanding our role in the cycle of life is part of being a hunter.

Ill Winds Start to Blow at Hunting Trade Shows

Anti-hunting protesters attempt to shame hunters while impeding conservation efforts.

There is No Difference Between 'Trophy Hunting' and Hunting

What constitutes a trophy depends on the individual, and the meat is eaten either way.

A Father’s Gift is All about Legacy

Opportunities to teach our children America’s core values are endless when you search for them...

Fathers in the Field Making a Difference

Here’s how the NRA-backed Fathers in the Field program mentors young boys one-on-one in life...

PHASA Supports International Trade in Rhino Horn

PHASA states in a recent press release that it’s time to reconsider legalizing the international...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

Are Great Lakes Wolves Next Up for Delisting?

Following Wyoming’s victory for science-based wolf management, the focus now shifts to the current Senate...

Together We Must Stand

In the 21st century culture war on hunters and hunting, we are already assaulted from...
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