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PETA Trying to Ban “Speciesist” Definitions in the Dictionary

It says calling a treacherous person a snake is a “slur” that aids human-supremacy.

Why Touting Misinformation about Hunting Is Wrong

An article in thwarts three of anti-hunters’ most popular claims.

Taking Grizzlies from Field to Table?

With grizzly bear delisting again making headlines, don’t overlook how the meat can be tasty.

Isle Royale National Park Is Epicenter of Ongoing Wolf-Moose Study

Spanning decades, the study continues to help scientists understand predator-prey relationships.

Observing a Subsistence Caribou Hunt in Alaska

Hunting for survival is more than just a cultural tradition in rural Alaska.

Animals Still Die When Hunting Is Banned

Here is why legal, regulated hunting is the key to managing game populations.

Snapshot Wisconsin: Using Citizen Science to Aid Wildlife

Residents help biologists gather information on wildlife species through a trail-camera program.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

Washington Post Gets It Right on Wyoming Grizzly Bear Hunt

The facts don’t lie as again we see the hunter’s crucial role in conservation.

Deer Herds Aided by Selective Antlerless Harvests

The selective taking of antlerless deer produces an enhanced buck-to-doe ratio and quality bucks.

Exhibit Honors Early 20th Century Outdoor Writer MacQuarrie

A Wisconsin exhibit honors America’s first full-time outdoor writer Gordon MacQuarrie, whose famous stories continue...

Mentor Memories of a Lifetime

We owe our outdoor mentors a debt of gratitude. Perhaps the best way to thank...

National Geographic Stops Just Short of Being Honest

The magazine jumps into the “does hunting save wildlife” debate with its article, “Should We...

PETA and Photographer Settle “Monkey Selfie” Lawsuit

Did PETA realize it would lose its bizarre federal court case when it finally settled,...

Respect and Responsibility Are Hunters’ Trademark

Public approval of hunting requires strict adherence to hunter respect and responsibility. Contributor Wins First Place POWA Award

Tim Flanigan wins the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association’s top award for “The Role of the...

How Wildlife Photographers Benefit from Hunters

As the NRA protects our hunting heritage, hunters’ finding ensures the existence of wild game... Contributor Wins Excellence in Craft Award

Tim Flanigan wins prestigious regional outdoor writer award for article “Who Really Cares About...