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Interior Department’s Abrupt Closure of Northern Alaska Public Lands Puts 2021 Moose and Caribou Hunts at Risk

Hunters’ comment period ends Apr. 20 with a public hearing set for Apr. 23.

The New Administration’s Silent Attack on Hunters

Will the new Interior secretary support hunting on public lands?

Celebrating the Trump Administration’s Hunting and Conservation Success

Four years of action marked unprecedented accomplishments for hunters on the federal level.

President Trump Signs Great American Outdoors Act into Law

President Trump and Interior Secretary Bernhardt marked the milestone at an Aug. 4 signing ceremony.

Congress Passes Great American Outdoors Act, Heads for President’s Signature

Funds in part will support deferred maintenance projects on federal lands.

Two Major Congressional Bills to Benefit Hunting and Wildlife Conservation

The first bill—the Great American Outdoors Act—may be on the President’s desk this week.

USFWS Requests Public Input on Increasing Access to Federal Lands

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking sportsmen’s requests to heart.

USFWS Director Pledges to Fight for Sportsmen at Hunters’ Convention

The USFWS’ Aurelia Skipwith stands with hunters in touting common-sense, science-based wildlife management.

NRA Pivotal in Cracking Pennsylvania’s Sunday Hunting Ban

After 337 years, hunting will now be allowed on three Sundays thanks to NRA-ILA.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.

Partnerships Propel the R3 Movement Forward

The successes and challenges of collaborative efforts continue to be explored and acted upon.

Supreme Court Protects Alaska Hunter’s Access to Hunting Lands

An Alaska hunter stands up to the federal bureaucracy and wins a 12-year battle.

DOI’s Bernhardt Puts Public Lands Bill into Action

Infrastructure established to balance natural resources management with wildlife conservation.

President Signs Lands Bill That Protects Hunting Access

Bill’s passage enhances access to hunting and recreational shooting on federal lands.

When an Antelope Hunt Goes Three for Three Before Three

The hunting heritage thrives as three generations tag out on Colorado antelope.

Interior Dept. Grants $495K to Utah and Arizona for Big Game Migration Research

Research funding through S.O. 3362 covers the cost to collar and study 180 mule deer.

Secretary Zinke Upholds States’ Wildlife Management Authority

His new policy settles the issue between state and federal agencies despite which entity owns...

NRA Helps to Stop BLM from Closing Monument to Target Shooting

The BLM almost shut down recreational shooting on a half million acres in Arizona.

Public Roads Lead to Public Hunting Opportunities

Hunter-backed groups like NRA work to ensure you have access to America’s millions of acres...

Expanding Your Public Land Hunting Opportunities

Leave no stone unturned by targeting these additional options for public-land hunts.
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