
Your search for nra firearm training matched article(s).
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Hunting is a Matter of National Security

There is a clear crossover in skill sets required for hunting and military service.

Hunters Support Medical Facility at Sporting Clays Event

Georgia hunters are tapping into the fun of competitive shooting to support their community.

Coronavirus Sparks Gun and Ammo Sales, Underscores Second Amendment

Makers of firearms and ammunition continue to ramp up production to meet escalating consumer demand.

NRA Offers New Online Gun Safety Courses Amid COVID-19

Drive-up windows are coming to local gun stores as gun sales hit a fevered pitch.

Underscoring the Importance of Fair Chase

Help non-hunters understand that hunting is based on ethics, safety and fair chase.

New to the Great Outdoors and Hunting?

Scan these tips for resources in getting started in hunting and the shooting sports.

NRA Firearms Training Has Real-Life Benefits

While NRA training ensures we are safe and successful hunters, the real-world benefits go deeper.

Illinois Adds Hunter Safety Course to School Curriculum

The Prairie State is now part of a growing movement to teach hunter ed early.

NRA’s Adaptive Shooting Program Aids Disabled Hunters

Specialized techniques and technologies now make the outdoor lifestyle accessible to everyone.

Grasping the Scope of What NRA Does for Hunters

Take advantage of these opportunities as no group does more for hunters than the NRA.

When the Hunter Is the Hunted

Vigilance and the right handgun can mean the difference between life and death.

How Effective Are You as a Hunting Mentor?

A memorable mentor will make the first-time-hunter feel welcomed into the community.

Kentucky Becomes Eighth State to Offer FREE NRA Hunter Ed

The updated online course is available without cost to hunters or state agencies.

NRA’s Seminar to Address Global Poaching Crisis

Expert panel members will reveal the complexities of the problem worldwide.

Use Texas’ 2nd Amendment Model to Recruit Teen Hunters

The state’s model program ensures America’s youth become patriots who vote freedom first.

NRA President Tells Texas Why NRA is Freedom’s Safest Place

North celebrates TSRA’s centennial while sharing why freedom is at stake.

Connecticut Hosts Popular Venison Processing Workshops

Learn from a professional meat cutter how to utilize every part of your game animal.

Japan to Open Business School for Hunting Industry

Japan needs more hunters as wildlife damages crops, but restrictive gun laws are a hurdle.

NRA and SAF Sue to Protect Washington State Hunters and Gun Owners

Washington Ballot Initiative I-1639 attacks hunters’ Second Amendment rights.

Like Father, Like Son: Relishing America’s Shooting and Hunting Traditions

A young shooting enthusiast thanks his father for inspiring a lifelong sport through which they...
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