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Colorado Lawmakers Vote 4-1 to Shut Down Cat Hunting Ban

The anti-hunting measure is tabled ... for now.

Colorado Bill to Ban Cat Hunting and Trapping set for Thursday Hearing

It would be illegal to hunt or trap any cat unless protecting humans or livestock.

How the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Makes Poachers Pay

It tracks wildlife violations and underscores how poaching IS NOT hunting.

Oregon’s IP 13 to Criminalize Hunting, Fishing, Animal Husbandry

Oregonians lifestyle and livelihoods hinge on defeating this initiative.

The New Administration’s Silent Attack on Hunters

Will the new Interior secretary support hunting on public lands?

Voice of Leadership: Trap Predators to Save Turkeys?

Is a decline in trapping why turkey populations are decreasing so significantly?

Bigfoot Hunting Season Legislation Introduced in Oklahoma

What a way to tap into hunters’ dollars and aid the economy.

Voice of Leadership: Tomorrow’s Leaders Should Be Heard Now

A 17-year-old avid shotgunner shares thoughts on capturing hunting's next generation.

New Jersey Governor Targets Hunters in 2021 Budget Proposal

Sly Gov. Murphy blames COVID-19 for proposing fee increases up to 2,000 percent.

Interior Secretary Addresses Conservation Leaders, Launches GAOA Task Force

SOI Bernhardt shares Great American Outdoors Act implementation plans with the AWCP.

Maine Anti-Hunters Target Hunters with Petitions to Protect Predators

Ditching concerns over public safety, anti-hunters seek to preserve coyotes and bears.

Bowfishing for Invasive Species Keeps Archery Skills Sharp

Here's another way sportsmen help to keep invasive species’ populations in check.

Indiana R3 Efforts Creating Hunters, Trappers and Shooters

Three-to-six-month programs ensure engagement while imparting hunter skills.

New Jersey Hunters May Be Automatically Registered to Vote

The push follows the Garden State’s recent passage of automatic voter registration for motorists.

R3 Programs Evolving, Expanding Nationwide

Bolstering the national R3 movement, numerous states now underscore hunter recruitment, retention and reactivation.

Study Cites Support of Hunting, Fishing, Shooting, Trapping

Underscoring NRA data, an NSSF study touts positive attitudes on traditional outdoor activities.

Wild Fur: The Green Alternative to Fake Fur

Nothing works as well or is softer on the environment than wild fur.

Trophy Hunting’s Crucial Role in Africa

Legal, regulated hunting is what generates the revenue needed to conserve wildlife species.

Just the Facts on Wolves and Coyotes

A recent Washington Post article on the predators serves up yet more fake news.

The Irony of Extremists’ Morally Questionable Actions

Despite these five outrageous instances, extremists still call hunters and legal, regulated hunting cruel.
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