
Your search for nra hunters rights matched article(s).
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NRA Gives Hunters a Voice in Three Gray Wolf Delisting Lawsuits

NRA and SCI are working to defend hunting and keep wolf numbers in check.

University of Pennsylvania Cancel Culture Snubs Campus Hunting Club

Hunters are being discriminated against in the “Birthplace of America?”

Voice of Leadership: Promoting Cultural Acceptance of Hunting

Here’s another way the NRA is working to protect hunting’s future.

Oklahoma Recognizes NRA’s Free Online Hunter Education Course

NRA’s $3 million investment in hunting’s future means quality education for all.

Why Touting Misinformation about Hunting Is Wrong

An article in thwarts three of anti-hunters’ most popular claims.

Early Wisconsin Wolf Season Closes, Hunters Hit Quota in 48 Hours

The state acted in case the new administration restores the recovered species’ protections.

NRA, USFWS Sign MOU to Collaborate on Hunter Recruitment, Conservation

The agreement pools hunter recruitment, training and conservation efforts.

Giving Thanks—Today and Every Day

Even in 2020, we hunters have many blessings to count.

Gearing Up for the Hunt May Mean Gearing Down the Pack List

Don’t let “gearitis” weigh you down. Know when enough gear is enough.

Whatever Happened to Bullied Texas Teen Hunter Kendall Jones?

Years after enduring social media attacks, Jones thrives as a hunting industry ambassador.

Caught on Video: Grizzly Kills Mature Bull Elk in Yellowstone Park

When it comes to wildlife management, don’t elk lives matter, too?

Environmental Group Honors Hunters in “Stand Up for Sportsmen” Event

The conservation of wildlife and the environment all starts with American hunters.

Anti-Hunters Seek to End Sportsmen’s Role in Wildlife Conservation Funding

Animal rights extremists only harm wildlife by targeting hunters as a conservation funding source.

Hunters Win in California As S.B. 1175 Dies in State Senate

It’s a good day for African wildlife as the Iconic Species Act is derailed.

Hunter Says “You Are in no Position to Judge Me” to Those Who Eat Meat

Another hunter thwarts attacks on social media and shares why we hunt. Contributor’s Article Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA HLF website wins Professional Outdoor Media Association honors three years in a row.

Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Sharing why we hunt aids the R3 movement and fosters cultural acceptance of hunting.

Maine Anti-Hunters Target Hunters with Petitions to Protect Predators

Ditching concerns over public safety, anti-hunters seek to preserve coyotes and bears.

New Jersey Bear Hunt Restrictions Lead to Increased Human-Bear Conflicts

N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy’s decision to severely restrict bear hunting is a proven disaster.

California Hunting Import Ban Advances to Senate Appropriations Committee

S.B. 1175 blatantly ignores the public health concerns its supporters claim it will address.
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